why are my marigolds so tall

They always looked so happy and sunny. The colors are stunning. The bright marigolds flanking my doorway and alternating with the vegetables in my garden provide much more than a cheerful bit of color. 2. Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) I adore the metaphors used as marigolds are one of my favorite flowers! It's a pretty heavy feeder, so fertilize it with a water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks in spring and summer. Marigold flowers tend to be in bright . It has large, bright blooms and grows taller than some other varieties. Why are my marigolds so tall? Temperature: Minimum temperature for growing marigolds is 10°C. Give them enough water so that the soil is moist to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Triploid hybrids are somewhat resistant to heat problems. Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that results in the wilting of leaves of marigolds as well as chrysanthemums and dahlias. Tall Aztec marigolds 'Sunset Giant' is an heirloom blend of tall marigolds in orange, gold and lemon yellow. Why are my marigolds growing so tall? Deer do eat marigolds. When I first moved to "deer country" I read that marigolds were deer resistant. I propped them up but after a few days they gave up and "met their maker" so-to-speak. Marigolds ( Tagetes spp.) Continue spraying your marigolds (as referred to step 4) over the next 4-8 weeks. Answer (1 of 29): I know exactly how you are feeling. thrive throughout U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, where they are prized for brightly-colored blossoms that . Two to three inches of organic mulch lowers the soil temperature and delays the effects of the heat of summer. But not one sign of a bud or bloom. I have seen the same marigolds with dwarf size 0.3-0.6 m (1-2 feet) with green foliage and lots of bloom. This is the 2nd year I have planted Giant Marigolds in my garden and am amazed at the quality of the plant and the abundance of bloooms. Marigolds are very attractive flowers and very easy to grow. One of the larger-growing species of marigold, the Aztec marigold grows to heights of 20-35 inches tall and wide and produces an abundance of vibrantly-colored flowers. But let's wait and see how big this thing gets. Some of the limbs have broken off because of the weight and rain. Soil type for the best marigold care. Marigolds generally do not grow unmanageably large. If you move your marigolds plants into a larger container you can continue to water them twice a day until they are ready to be harvested. Some of the major Marigold varieties are listed below: African or American Marigolds (Tagetes erecta): These marigolds are tall, erect-growing plants up to three feet in height. Mulch cools the soil, prevents weed growth and helps reduce excessive loss of soil moisture through evaporation. I have marigolds, cosmos and zinnia's in my circle drive. When & Where to Plant Marigolds Light: Full sun, to partial shade. So, how tall do strawberries grow? Calendula officinalis (aka pot marigolds or English marigolds): A native of southern Europe, this "marigold" is actually not a true marigold, but is an attractive companion plant nonetheless. In general, animals and insects find the smell offensive and are repelled, so you can narrow down which animals have been eating your marigolds. My marigolds are tall, skinny with small flowers, what happened? "The marigold abroad her leaves doth spread, because the sun and her power is the same," wrote poet Henry Constable in a 1592 sonnet. Pinch back tall marigold varieties when young to encourage bushiness and give them a support. Seeds that germinate outside get the benefit of being strengthened by the wind. A perennial in USDA zones 9-11, marigolds are semi-hardy in cool zones. This problem is caused by the fungal pathogen Verticillium dahliae. They are easy . If you sow the seeds directly in the ground outdoors, you may want to thin them after they sprout so that they are about 10 inches apart. They love the heat, have a long bloom time, and grow 6 to 18 . Pinch back tall marigold varieties when young to encourage bushiness and give them a support. Growing to be only 12-14" tall, this mixture is great for the border of meadows, a small space garden or containers. They have green pinnate (feather like) leaves and grow anywhere from just a few inches tall, to a few feet tall! Marigolds are attractive to bees provided you choose a variety with open centers, so insects can easily find the yellow florets. The 1-to 4-inch flowers may appear rounded, tufted, or shaggy in shades of white, yellow, orange, mahogany, maroon . I started growing marigolds from seed indoors in a 2-gallon plastic water jug with the top cut off and holes poked through the bottom for drainage,about 5-weeks ago (a school project with my son). This is a wonderful article, Jennifer! Common Name: Marigold: We've had a lot of rain and softened the soil. Bilje Posts: 635. African marigolds are the tallest. by Amber Noyes. African marigolds Tagetes erecta come in two basic varieties: "large-flowered" and "tall." Large-flowered African marigolds are fairly short, at between 12-14" tall, but as the name suggests have very large blossoms (up to 3.5" inches in diameter). Usually this is a result of overcrowding. Getting a marigold to flower usually isn't a difficult task, as the hardy annuals usually bloom nonstop from early summer until they are nipped by frost in autumn. French Marigolds (Tagetes patula) French marigolds are prized for their long, prolific blooms. Well, they grew so tall and beautifully green, but I didn't see any . Can you prune them back without damaging the plant. The flowers of the marigold tend to look a bit like carnations. My Marigolds Won't Bloom. When the plants are 6 to 8 inches tall, pinch or cut back foliage tips and new buds to encourage branching. At 1 - 3 feet tall, the African marigold is deer resistant and sure to be a showstopper. They are about 41/2-inches above the soil, level now. They have an aroma that is too strong for them. This is why, with seeds started in windowsills, you might notice your seedlings leaning toward the sun, sometimes to the point of bending completely sideways. Marigolds. They tend to be short, bushy plants, although they can grow from 5 to 18 inches tall. With this consideration in mind, why are my marigolds so tall? We've had a lot of rain and softened the soil. Read on for a few helpful suggestions. Once temperatures moderate, affected plants will begin to produce blossoms again. It's been over two months and they grew to 8 inches tall with lots of foliage but no flowers at all. Its height makes it a favourite of florists for adding elevation to displays. My friends do not mock me, but the girl I was attracted to, did not seem to be interested in me. have long been touted for their ability to suppress plant-parasitic nematodes. Salt is a really good weed killer,I use it for weeds such as dandelions in paving cracks, I wouldn't use it near plants as it will kill them. Rabbits And Moles Do Not Like Marigolds. This was my first year to plant the tall marigolds and they are gorgeous. The plants grow to about 4 feet tall, with 2-3 inch blooms. I have never seen that variety of marigold, they are the most beautiful I have ever seen. The problem is that its stem grows too tall, 1-1.3 m (3-4 feet) with only 2-3 blooms on top and the bottom is dried up. Do marigolds attract beneficial insects to my garden? My vote for the best of the tall marigolds goes to Burpee's Lady Hybrid Series. According to the variety, they reach up to 6 inches to 6 feet tall. Keep growing marigold seedlings in a moderate temperature, as excess heat can cause too fast of a growth spurt, creating a thin and leggy plant. It's fully hardy in USDA Zones 9 and 10. Of course, how tall your marigolds grow is in part dictated by how well you take care of them, which is why you'll want to take note of the tips below for growing your marigolds to their biggest height and best bloom possible. I have staked them but they are so heavy and like a bush. Location: S. Liberty County - Texas (8B) I planted these White Marigolds from seed this spring. They make good, long-lasting cut flowers. The flowers are globe . My dad would plant them every year along our driveway. Cut back up to one-third of the plant. Angel's trumpet likes sun and fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Remove the tired or old growth so that the plant puts its energy into new foliage and flowers. I cut them back to 4 inches and applied fertilizer in . They are a herbaceous plant in the sunflower family. They tend to be short, bushy plants, although they can grow from 5 to 18 inches tall. Caring for Marigolds (Tagetes Plant)It is fairly easy to care for members of the Tagetes plant genus such as Marigolds.. Be careful not to sprinkle water on the flowers of tall varieties, otherwise they become water-logged and soft. I laughed to myself and every time I read an article that mentions that deer don't like marigolds. Seedlings can be transplanted when 2 inches tall. I have staked them but they are so heavy and like a bush. My grandmother use to grow marigolds that were almost 3 foot tall , but the smaller french types are almost all you can find now days. Do marigolds need full sun? Pot marigolds are great as annuals for flower beds and garden containers. The simple marigold (Tagetes) is one of the most popular flowers in the home garden for a number of reasons. Also, try planting Marigolds in your veggie garden to help attract beneficial insects. Get some 20g rubbermaids and put some holds in those. This is a question submitted to StrawberryPlants.org by a reader. Pinch off leaves and flowers on dwarf marigolds. Although marigolds do come in many different sizes, most of these plants grow between 18" and 2' tall so they can be placed anywhere and look great. Blossoms can be 5 inches across on stems nearing 3 feet tall. The eggs hatch into cabbage worms that can decimate your crop. Insert wire into the marigold stems if needed for support in an arrangement. Leggy seedlings are easy to spot. I have a question concerning pruning marigolds. Can you prune them back without damaging the plant. white marigolds-no blooms ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) I've had this Bouganvillea for a few years, but it was in a container until this Spring. The marigold is a beautiful small flower that is wildly popular in North America. Try putting slug pellets, just a few, in a jar on its side or even better a slug beer trap. With a flower head like a pom-pom, the African marigold, sometimes known as the Mexican, can grow up to 90 cm (35") tall. Established marigolds in garden beds need a good soak once each week. African marigolds (Tagetes erecta), which are actually native to Mexico and Central America, were sacred to the Aztecs, who used them as a medicine and as a ceremonial offering to the sun gods. However, too much mulch is detrimental to the health of marigolds and can encourage fungal infections, especially when packed too closely to the plant stems. Marigolds are great at protecting other plants against insects. The marigold has long been associated with the sun. They are both hungry and thirsty plants so fertilize and water frequently. If your plants are hybrids, 10-14 inches (~25-35 cm) should be considered healthy unless evidence of disease or deficiency is present. French marigolds are smaller and bushier, with flowers up to 2 inches across on plants that are 6 to 18 inches tall. I have grown, from what is resembles on the internet, an african marigold. Marigolds also perform best in full sun, which will keep tall plants sturdy and help form large, dense, blooms and foliage.In part shade or more, all parts of the plant are more susceptible to fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew. French marigolds are more compact with fern-like foliage. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep in seed starting formula. How tall and wide do marigolds get? Lack of air movement can contribute to legginess. Tall marigolds (Tagetes erecta) grow anywhere from 15 inches to 4 feet tall with blooms that can reach up to 5 inches across. The French marigold is generally around or under 1 foot tall with flowers that are about 2 inches across. Northern California. Watering: Marigolds do not need regular watering but require so during the dry spells. Most of the marigolds have strong, pungent odor and have great value in cosmetic treatment. 84. There are many varieties of Marigolds available today. They have purple-tinged stems with double flower heads in yellow, orange, and mahogany that are about 2 inches across. What is interesting about your marigolds being eaten, however, is that marigolds are recognized for being a pest deterrent because of the smell they emit. I'm new to this so I tried growing stuff like marigolds, pansies, and herbs but everything died! Tall marigolds make good cut flowers. Full sunlight or partial shade works best for these blooms. April 2014. Do marigolds attract bees? Pinch back young marigolds in spring and early summer. French Marigolds (Tagetes patula) French marigolds are prized for their long, prolific blooms. Grow a flat tree. The second reason to plant marigolds with vegetables is to repel vegetable eating mammals. As the wind blows them around, they get a little workout and grow stronger so they can withstand the wind without breaking. This is my first year planting marigolds. These tough plants grow 1 to 3 feet (30 to 120 cm) tall with large double flowers in hot shades of yellows, oranges, reds, and whites. and a lot of marigolds in my tomato and squash and cucumber plants. Points. How to Keep Marigolds From Getting Too Leggy When Growing Them From Seed. tight internodes is a good thing dont make the plant stretch. For ScRoG you really need to veg for a long time to make it as big of a yield as possible. Problems. There are numerous varieties of marigolds, but most can be broken down into three major groups. It all depends! I bought two packets of seeds and planted them in front of our small evergreen bushes to add color. Pot marigolds grow best in the nine to eleven Hardiness Zones, so make sure that your environment will suit these flowers before growing them yourself. The seedlings grew tall and floppy with a couple of sad looking leaves. African Marigolds - The African marigold is also known as the Aztec or American marigold. Marigold Sparky Mix is so easy to grow that it is the perfect choice for a child's first garden. Marigolds germinate quickly, so there's generally no need to start them indoors. Keep'em burnin. Tips. A soil-borne fungus, spores can travel on both water and wind. If your marigolds will not bloom, the fix is usually fairly simple. Water thoroughly. We set out and describe all 4 types plus explain how to grow them and their many benefits. Help, My Marigolds are Not Blooming! When transplanting marigolds purchased at a nursery, dig and loosen the soil about 6 inches down, with the final planting hole just slightly larger than the rootball. They have tall, skimpy stems. Super Hero™ Spry marigolds: Grows 10-12 inches tall and wide; Bonanza Orange marigolds: Grows 10-12 inches tall and spreads 6-10 inches wide; Marigolds' height, spread and even bloom size will vary a good bit according to their variety. In any event some slugs actually live in the soil. As a group, marigolds grow 8 to 42 inches tall as low mounds or erect bushes. At least you get beautiful snow when its cold, we usually get sleet and freezing rain…not so pretty. Backfill with soil and press firmly into place. Tall marigolds make good cut flowers. The tall ones happened to grow well in Africa, and the short types grew well in France. Solving Marigold Problems. Its bright flowers are edible—with a tangy, peppery taste—so it is often grown alongside herbs in kitchen gardens. They are both hungry and thirsty plants so fertilize and water frequently. Signet Marigolds (Tagetes tenuifolia) Botanical Name ( Tagetes spp.) Furthermore, do marigolds multiply? Marigolds By Eugenia W. Collier When I think of the hometown of my youth, all that I seem to remember is dust—the brown, crumbly dust of late summer—arid, sterile dust that gets into the eyes and makes them water, gets into the throat and between the toes of bare brown feet. They are around 18-24 inches tall. Maybe even more than 90% of the time; and in fact marigold are not just deer-resistant, but even dee repellent to a certain point. Its flowers are edible, its roots eliminate nematode populations, and it is a source of many natural dyes. haha I am an 8th yr high school teacher who recovered from the burn-out crisis (once) and am careful to create boundaries and take better care of myself, also urging others to do so in a loving way- not Walnut-style! Keep growing marigold seedlings in a moderate temperature, as excess heat can cause too fast of a growth spurt, creating a thin and leggy plant. It is also still very young it will seed up once it gets 5 or so nodes. French marigolds can grow to between 6 inches to 2 feet, and signet marigolds rarely grow to over a foot tall. Then one fine day her best friend walks up to me and she is like do you know "she". Once your marigolds reaches 3 inches tall you will either want to move them into your larger containers or move them outside. African marigolds Tagetes erecta come in two basic varieties: "large-flowered" and "tall." Large-flowered African marigolds are fairly short, at between 12-14" tall, but as the name suggests have very large blossoms (up to 3.5" inches in diameter). Blossoms may reach 8 to 15 inches long and one plant may open dozens at a time. They might be planted surrounding the tomato patch. The plant puts out lateral branches and buds. Make sure to space or thin plants at the recommended spacing. The African marigold varieties can grow up to 3 feet tall and have flowers that are 3 1/2 inches across. Use hand shears or clippers for clean cuts on other marigold varieties. This is my first year growing marigolds. It survives well in drought, too, so if you often forget to water your plants this is a good choice! There's a reason you see marigolds in so many Florida gardens — they're easy to grow, bloom reliably all summer, and have few insect and disease problems. gardengus said:It looks like some one slipped an african marigold among the french type. Indeed, marigold uses are so wide-ranging that their . Tall African marigolds have small flowers but can grow up to 3' tall. As soon as seedlings emerge, provide plenty of light on a sunny windowsill or grow seedlings 3-4 inches beneath fluorescent plant lights . I did not care much about this , because I was not too serious. I have a question concerning pruning marigolds. Location. They will need plenty of sun and water, but one of the main things to remember when planting a marigold in a container is that they need air to grow, so they cannot be . Deer find marigolds unappetizing, and 90% of the times they will walk on without giving them a single bite. Unfortunately, there's only so much growing a seedling can do and what it gains in height, it sacrifices in girth, resulting in thin, fragile stems. Marigolds can easily grow in containers, but it is important to remember that some varieties of the plant grow quite tall, which will make growing in a container more difficult. However, if you do, you can transplant seedlings outdoors when they are about 2 inches high. The marigold is a beautiful small flower that is wildly popular in North America. So I planted a small round garden outside my kitchen window only to later stand there doing dishes watching the deer eat the flowers. While it's true that many marigolds produce the chemical alpha-terthienyl . What you may not know is that there are 4 different types of marigolds. Mosquitoes and gnats are also repelled by marigolds, so plant them everywhere in your garden for effective pest control! Keep the soil moist at 70-75 degrees F. Seedlings emerge in 7-10 days. Established marigolds in garden beds need a good soak once each week. Marigolds shriveling and dying - Knowledgebase Question. Caring for Marigolds (Tagetes Plant)It is fairly easy to care for members of the Tagetes plant genus such as Marigolds.. Marigolds can add beauty to any garden with fragrant flowers in orange, yellow, maroon-red, bronze, and bi-color hues with contrasting fern-like foliage. I don't know why I should remember only the dust. Avoid wetting the foliage, especially later in the day, to help prevent problems with this. They come in many different colors including the yellow and red varieties that I enjoy in my garden every year. Q. I planted marigolds from seeds. Unfortunately slugs love marigold leaves and can cause a lot of damage so it is a good idea to put a few slug pellets around the base of each marigold plant. Sow indoors 5-7 weeks before outdoor planting date in spring using a seed starting kit. Plant French marigolds in well-drained soil in full sun. Do marigolds like lots of water? Hi Cinda, That sounds like a plausible explanation. They have purple-tinged stems with double flower heads in yellow, orange, and mahogany that are about 2 inches across. Deer tend to find strong smell and finely textured foliage of marigolds, unappetizing. Tall African marigolds have small flowers but can grow up to 3' tall. They prefer well-drained soil and a neutral soil pH, as well. Some of the limbs have broken off because of the weight and rain. Subscribe Now:http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowgardenWatch More:http://www.youtube.com/ehowgardenYou can keep marigolds from getting t. Surely there Marigolds in the US are usually annuals though perennial marigolds do exist and are becoming more popular! This was my first year to plant the tall marigolds and they are gorgeous. If the weather is unusually hot or windy, they'll need extra water. Marigolds benefit from mulching, especially in the summer and winter. I have already cut multiple marigold stems from these 2 plants and brought them into the house. They'll begin to bloom approximately 45 days after planting. Too much fertilizer often causes stems to shoot up in a growth spurt, which can result in thin and spindly plants rather than strong and stocky ones. Like most annuals, marigolds will need well-drained soil. Optimum temperature for the germination of seeds is 19°C. When marigolds look bedraggled or fatigued, revitalize them by cutting off flowers and foliage. If your marigolds are wilting, the culprit is likely one of two diseases. ZM High summer heat may slow, or even stop, blooming on marigolds. M ( 1-2 feet why are my marigolds so tall with green foliage and lots of bloom to be short, bushy,. Slipped an African marigold varieties: //theinfinitekitchen.com/recipe/readers-ask-why-are-my-marigolds-dying/ '' > Do marigolds grow, blooming on marigolds year. 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