curse of strahd izek and ireena

He re-iterates that Ireena and Ismark were being followed by Izek. On the other, she loves the party and wants them to be able to get out of Barovia. An inscription on the statue's large block base, however, said the memorial was to someone named Marina: "Marina, Taken by the Mists." Due to his obsession, Izek covets his sibling in an unwholesome – though non-sexual – way, and won’t allow anyone or anything to come between them. The Church of St. Andral is a very old building, said to have once been the home of St. Andral himself. Hadrick poisoned the beaten Izek with a magical concoction that make him laugh uncontrollably, and the three adventurers left to avoid the incoming guards. The Baron and Izek were slain and Yaro was freed, but Ireena remained quite dead. Unbeknownst to her, she was not his natural daughter but was found wandering in the woods as a young child. Ireena asked the characters if they would be so kind as to help Ismark deliver her father’s body safely to Donovich, the local priest for a proper burial. She ran when you called to her, terrified and confused, leaving you to chase her or protect Young Izek from certain death. Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. Izek and his sister were born in Vallaki. The burgomaster has been dead for several days. The werewolves RAW also know about the tower and are spies of Strahd. THE STORY. Izek Strazni has been described as a nasty man. The man said his name was Izek Strazni, and that he had lost his brother and sister in the woods when he was a little boy. Ireena has been (unknown to her) dominated by Strahd von Zarovich. There is a symbol on the tower’s front door, and a word carved above it “Khazan”. Remy was badly injured, but Izek was insistent. D&D Icons of the Realms: Curse of Strahd - Denizens of Barovia D&D: Icons of the Realms Within the valley of Barovia there are many stories to be told. 2. The party travelled to Krezk and ultimately found Ireena locked in a room in the Abbey of Saint Markovia. REACTIONS. Obsidian Portal enables you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. They refused, and Caxius turned her invisible, bluffing that he had teleported Ireena away to safety. Curse of Strahd is a 2016 Forgotten Realms adventure module for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons, produced by Wizards of the Coast. Curse of Strahd Ireena Kolyana is a reincarnation of Tatyana, the girl whom Strahd fell in love with. If Izek was banished, maybe he finds her at the tower. He has ordered the toymaker Blinsky to make dolls in Ireena’s likeness or have his shop burned down. Eventually, Strahd began to call upon Ireena in … 13:00 – the adventurers reach the Orphanage. Bio: Ireena Kolyana. Ireena is in the party. A letter on Strahd’s desk reveals that the Queen (his mother) had passed away. Accompanying them is Ireena Cantemir, Theodora's cousin and prolific wolf-hunter. ; Wine seeds - Yesterhilll, Berez, Unknown St Androl's church - Why did the vampires want to attack it? Last Night I Dreamt of Ravenloft Again…. by Mike on 28 August 2016. Age 21 in 734. The Baron, fearing Strahd’s wrath, seemed convinced. Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game. In my search for Captain Frostclaw, I seemed to have stumbled into a far different land than I have ever heard of. Izek Strazni. Kolyan and Donavich have kept this secret from her for her entire life, not wanting her to feel like an outsider to the family. Obsidian Portal enables you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. Send zombies and werewolves at them at every turn. THE TOME OF STRAHD. SEP/20. Ireena Kolyana. But midway through the fight, he noticed Ireena and Father Petrovich hiding from the fight. 19 notes. His sister ran and hid in the woods and was never seen again. It is currently governed by Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov. They tried to shake him off and snuck back into their rooms earlier in the day. She makes her way to Krezk, seeking refuge at the Abbey. In Curse of Strahd. (Ireena is the woman from the Village of Borovia who the party escorted to Krezk; she seemed to hold Strahd's peculiar and intense attraction.) If she was taken to Vallaki, he would try to kidnap her. She makes her way to Krezk, seeking refuge at the Abbey. The aarakocra swooped down to them, apologizing for his absence. They managed to obtain a place for her to stay in the Burgomaster's house in … Ismark is fiercely defensive of her. Izek Strazni is the deformed henchman of the late Baron Vallakovich in Vallaki.Attacked by a direwolf as a child while playing in the Svalich Woods, Izek lost his right arm protecting his sister, who went missing as a result of the attack — causing both of his parents to die of broken hearts.Raised by his paternal uncle, he no longer remembers his sister — but … Ireena has difficulty deciding because on one hand she really doesn't like Strahd and fears him. The Curse of Strahd Party first arrived in Krezk during their mission to find a safe place for Ireena Kolyana, out of reach from Strahd von Zarovich. The Indirovich family—and Ireena specifically—was invited to dine at Ravenloft several times, but the Burgomaster forbade his daughter from going for fear of the dark lord’s intentions. On the way back to town, a dire wolf attacked Izek and bit off his right arm. I hope someday these letters reach you, hopefully hand-delivered in this journal by yours truly. … His father carried Izek back to town while his uncle distracted the beast. The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. Later on the party finds out that Costel worked together with Izek and Ireena as they hid in Krezk. I am looking for ideas about how to proceed with the module where Ireena has been captured by Strahd early in the game. Narratively, remember that Ireena is a direct part of Strahd's curse. The burgomaster of Vallaki owed his father a debt from their youth, and he has offered this … She also has some magical capabilities to her, the source of which are unknown. If Izek kidnaps Ireena and the PCs don’t know where he took her, Strahd would probably blame the PCs. Their home had been continually under attack from Strahd's minions after his father … After recovering from this experience the party set up to find the Abbot in Krezk with the hopes of having Ireena raised. A fight broke out, and the heroes nearly fell. Slice of Life. A Plea for Help: The group made plans to rest at the Blood of the Vine tavern. Curse of Strahd is a 2016 Forgotten Realms adventure module for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons, produced by Wizards of the Coast. Arvando spotted his companions walking across town toward the church of St Andral. Strahd had … Ireena has difficulty deciding because on one hand she really doesn't like Strahd and fears him. Y718. He knocked Father Petrovich unconscious and took off with Ireena. Standing in the pouring rain outside of Blinsky’s Toys is a crowd of curious townsfolk talking about the tiger inside. Seemingly obsessed with Ireena, Izek seems ready to take her by any means necessary…. He led Danny and Galinndan out of Vallaki at the burgomaster’s behest and nearly killed Alton. being Ireena is suffering. When our heroes discovered Izek’s demented obsession with Ireena Kolyana, it was only the obviousness of Izek’s villainy that prevented the Baron from seeking public retribution. Eventually, Strahd began to call upon Ireena in person at the Burgomaster’s mansion in Barovia. At first, Indirovich was unable to resist Strahd’s supernatural charms, and permitted the vampire inside to see his daughter. Young Izek would be taken by his uncle and abandoned at the orphanage in Vallaki. Ireena dreams of Strahd every night following his visit. Izek has been loyal to the burgonmaster ever since, enjoying the power of his position and enforcing the burgonmaster’s will. Izek was wounded, and they discovered during the fight that his left arm was not that of a man. He has not seen them since then. Spoilers ahead for those who have not played through Curse of Strahd! When the party spent a night at the Vistani camp outside of town, Strahd finally sought Teddy out for a private conversation, fortunately keeping his distance, although the … He’s fine with her traveling with the PCs because they should help keep her safe. If he gets too close, an outright act of god is liable to come down and take Tatyana's soul from Strahd's reaching fingers. These silver best-seller PDF-files contain three additional handouts you might need when running the Official Dungeons & Dragons Curse of Strahd adventure at your table (in both Letter and A4 format). Izek Strazni The Curse of Strahd TrevoriousRex TrevoriousRex TrevoriousRex 2019-03-13T22:21:36Z 2019-03-31T10:10:53Z Last Night I Dreamt of Ravenloft Again…. Izek drinks copious amounts of wine. He claimed she’d used witchery on him, which was illegal in Vallaki. A man with a withered arm that works for the Burgomaster of Vallaki. Y716. Ireena Kolyana is the sister of Ismark Kolyanovich and the adopted daughter of the late Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of Barovia. The doll bears a striking resemblance to Ireena Kolyana. Ireena Kolyana is the daughter of Kolyan Indirovich, and the primary object of Strahd's affection. They include: A wedding invitation penned by Strahd (including RSVP card) A diary by Mrs Strazni. This box set contains pre-painted miniatures of Gadof Blinsky, Ireena Kolyana, Ismark Kolyanovich, Izek Strazni, Lady Wachter, Sir Godfrey Gwilym, and Vladimir Horngaard. The Abbot Constructs a Flesh Golem Before he set out to create a bride for Strahd, the Abbot tried his hand at creating a more rudimentary golem. Retreating to the church, the characters learned not only was Ireena the reincarnation of Strahd’s true love Tatyana, but that her current incarnation was the long lost sister of the local burgomaster’s vicious and deformed henchman, Izek Strazni. A ransom note from Izek Strazni indicated that Ireena was being held in the village of Krezk. Kolyan Indirovich’s Letter is a fake. Pool Table Dungeon Mastering in Barovia. Language: English. Age 21 in 734. ... Tatyana was the fiancée of Sergei von Zarovich, and is the only victim of Strahd's curse whose soul reincarnates perfectly. Strahd von Zarovich believes her to be the reincarnation of his long lost love, Tatyana, and … UPDATE 3/27/19: Izek was revealed to be Ireena’s long-lost brother who lost all memory of his parents and sister trading them to Hugo Bremmen in a drunken stupor for his monstrous arm. Ezmerelda could find the party and say she saw werewolf tracks around the tower and give them a chance to fight wolves and/or meet Strahd there when they return to save or check on her. Portends and prophecy, dreams and nightmares are constant motifs in Curse of Strahd. With Ireena gone, I would play Strahd as he's always watching them. Parry. The Vistani owners gave the party free rooms and wine for Rickey's fantastic musicianship. Ireena has been bitten twice by Strahd Von Zarovich. Ireena Doll Curse of Strahd Rocket_Surgery Rocket_Surgery Rocket_Surgery 2020 … Ireena Born Ireena was born in Vallaki; Y720. He can scry and use his spies to watch their every move. If Izek was banished, maybe he finds her at the tower. Unbeknownst to her, she was not his natural daughter but was found wandering in the woods as a young child. I like to imagine our surviving Curse of Strahd npcs got together to make their own weird adventuring party after they escaped. Strahd had … Ireena later recalled her childhood and confirmed that Izek Stazni was her biological brother and that the direwolf that had been pursuing them, even back then, was Strahd. The group isn’t sure what do as they don’t want to escalate the situation and fear to provoke the tiger. They split up, with the druid turning into a squirrel and coming into a window opening into the attic. On the other, she loves the party and wants them to be able to get out of Barovia. The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. Izek Born Izek was born in Vallaki; Y712 (Elsewhere) Ezmerelda Born; Y713. ; Circus man with sabretooth tiger This post is re-posted from Reddit where I didn't get much of a response, and you people know Ravenloft and Strahd's motivations much better. #curse of strahd #dungeons and dragons #ireena kolyana #izek strazni #ismark kolyanovich #victor vallakovich #stella wachter #vasilka #my art … See all. Local legends say that the Count Strahd Von Zarovich has ruled over this valley for generations and that his land plays host to many powerful beings.Some serve him willingly, and others plot his downfall. Birth Family When Ireena, her brother Izek, her father, and her uncle went on a fishing trip, Izek was bitten by a Dire Wolf. He's craving a family, and Ireena represents that. Written for the birthday of our wonderful DM <3. Doru Born Doru was born in Barovia. Contents 1 History 2 Current Sketch Meanwhile, Edwin began an enlightening conversation with a man named Ismark "the Lesser." Fiona Wachter asked the party to kill him during the Festival of the Blazing Sun. Summary. The party investigates the room and discovers a secret door with a chest and some of Strahd’s money inside. Ireena adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack that would hit her. Just a slice of life about Ireena's years in the village of Barovia and the dreams that haunt her. When we started this campaign 'Alec' wanted to be more a caster of curses like the Vistani in the Curse of Strahd campaign book and so our DM came up with a home-brew 'Hexen' class together with some sub-classes from which his player chose 'Night Terror'. So, Izek stole Ireena away... To where? Curse of Strahd notes Open threads and unanswered questions. Speak to Viktor's head about his spell book, where is Ireena, and the teleportation circles Who took the head? ... Izek is Baron Vargas' infamously brutal protégé and captain of the guard in Vallaki. They ask him if he knows anything about the disappearance or the doll. Speaking eloquently on Ireena’s behalf, Mahel appealed to the Baron’s better nature and convinced him that it was best that Ireena leave town with them, if only for the danger that she posed as a lure to Strahd. Richard III. Quests that have been unlocked by the players will be listed below on this page. One morning, their father and their uncle took them fishing on Lake Zarovich. Ireena Born Ireena was born in Vallaki. Author: DarthKrzysztof. Ireena Kolyana as a 3rd level side-kick. He asked for our help in getting his sister safely away from the village, preferably to Vallaki. Appendix This article is a stub. If you were Strahd and Izek kidnapped Ireena, what would you do? The Tarroka deck literally spells out the party’s fate. But Izek and a dozen town guards met them, and demanded they turn the girl over for questioning. The vampire Strahd has fixed his attention on Ireena. Even though he doesn’t remember his past, he believes Ireena and wishes to protect her and keep her safe from Strahd. He's going to want to keep her close, and he's going to be overeager to recover their sibling bond. When writing about the adventure Hoard of the Dragon Queen we here at Sly Flourish wrote chapter-by-chapter deep dives of the whole book to help DMs run this adventure. Wolves Attack Izek and Family One morning, their father and their uncle took them fishing on Lake Zarovich. Curse of Strahd Part 15: The Puppetmaster and the Toymaker. Warning! Izek dreams of Ireena. **Spoiler warning for the Curse of Strahd adventure module for D&D 5e**. He seems obsessed with Ireena for some reason, going as far as having a doll in her image. Izek fought with the party against the Sable-Toothed Tiger that had been let loose in Vallaki. Deja Vu Izek composed himself and demanded that Cato, Kay, Jessup, Remy, and Ireena come with him to meet the burgomaster. Barovia is a perfect example of a potential pool-table campaign. Madame Eva’s tent swirls with smoke as she reveals the cards to the would-be … Doru Born Doru was born in Barovia. Luca Barbu Curse of Strahd The_DM_Experience The_DM_Experience The_DM_Experience 2021-02-07T12:05:25Z 2021-02-07T12:05:25Z Tyven is the spiritual sibling to Izek Strazni, as they are both touched by the essence of two powerful fiendish lords of the 9 hells.. Geryon (Izek) and Levistus (Tyven) both strive towards order in the cosmos, and are misaligned with entities such as the Dark Powers due to the disturbance created by the anomalies they create in the fabric of the realms. The group go downstairs to talk to Urwin Martikov. Accompanying them is Ireena Cantemir, Theodora's cousin and prolific wolf-hunter. Disheartened by the Abbot’s madness and bereft of companionship in the world, Ireena returns to Barovia and is spirited away by Strahd on the road. Have him make an appearance at a few of the attacks and throw spells from a distance. Series. Dream on, dream on, of bloody deeds and death. Featured art image for Curse of Strahd Destined Ally Rankings credit to Wizards of the Coast’s D&D 5e adventure book Curse of Strahd. He was defeated and thrown from the walls of Castle Ravenloft by a mighty blast of lighting and his body was carried away by the River Ivilis. Unravel the mysteries of Ravenloft in this dread adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game Under raging storm … The module revolves around the vampire Strahd von Zarovich and the Demiplane of Dread that serves as his prison. Ireena dreams of Strahd every night following his visit. Running Curse of Strahd. Curse of Strahd Izek Strazni was the real brother of Ireena Kolyana and an enforcer of Baron Vargas Vallakovich. Tragedy in the family When he, his father, his sister, and his uncle went fishing on the way back his arm was bitten off by a Dire Wolf and his frightened sister ran into the woods. He's going to be loyal to her, but very controlling. Richard III. Though the D&D adventure Curse of Strahd sets it all out on paper, when we run our games in this fog-enshrouded sandbox, the world comes alive. Ireena is the only Barovian villager who calls Strahd by name instead of “the Devil” or “the Devil Strahd.” She both despises and secretly fears him. The prophecy of Madam Eva referenced a wizard at the base of Mount Baratok. Frightened, Ireena ran away. In CoS, Ireena has barricaded herself inside the Burgomaster's mansion, where she remains until her father is buried in a funeral ceremony presided by Donavich. Above all else, Strahd wants Ireena safe but he also wants her to come to him willingly. A letter on Strahd’s desk reveals that the Queen (his mother) had passed away. It is tended to by Father Lucian Petrovich and his assistant Yeska. The thing is that not Izek nor Ireena are aware of their bond and there is no way to know it. Izek dreams of Ireena. Edred, upon reaching level 5, managed to remove his curse of lycanthropy. Ismark is the brother of Ireena Kolyana and the only son of the late Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of Barovia. Izek demanded that Ireena come with him to the burgomaster’s mansion. Personality Izek experienced dreams with Ireena in them and had Gadof Blinsky make dolls that looked like her. To do so, she must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Y714. Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game. The companions refused to turn her over, and a few minutes of tense negotiations followed. Obsidian Portal enables you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. Lia senses magic, casts detect thoughts, but magic doesn’t work. She seeks to take back the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind that was stolen from her murdered father. Arvie asked if Strahd might be mistaken, if Ireena was not in fact another incarnation of Tatyana. Curse of Ravenloft 17 – Tiger in the Toyshop. by Mike on 14 November 2016. Let the party know that he has it out for them. So, my players were searching the BM's mansion in Vallaki, after Strahd gave them an ultimatum to find the sun sword (which is in the same mansion). 9. Curse of Strahd DarthKrzysztof DarthKrzysztof 2016-03-07T14:21:58Z 2016-04-15T03:04:35Z. In Curse of Strahd, Ireena's adoptive brother Ismark, will ask the characters to take her to a settlement where she will be safe. If she is taken to Vallaki, Izek will try to kidnap her. If she is taken to Krezk, she wil be reunited with Sergei. If she is not she will be at the end of the adventure. The Tarroka deck literally spells out the party’s fate. When the party spent a night at the Vistani camp outside of town, Strahd finally sought Teddy out for a private conversation, fortunately keeping his distance, although the … She was being held by The Abbot so that she could help refine the flesh golem bride he was creating in an attempt to end Strahd’s curse upon the land. The building is hallowed ground, and contains a holy artifact that the father uses to protect and bless the church and other buildings in Vallaki. Although she appears mild, she has a strong will, and she aids the party as best she can in saving herself. He is the ruthless legbreaker for Baron Vargas Vallakovich and (unknown to all) the long forgotten biological brother of Ireena Kolyana, whom Izek does hold an unwholesome obsession with even if he doesn't remember the origins of his bond. She was found and adopted by Kolyan Indirovich, the Burgomaster of Barovia . After kidnapping and almost raping Ireena, Izek was captured and killed by the group. Izek Strazni is the deformed henchman of the late Baron Vallakovich in Vallaki.Attacked by a direwolf as a child while playing in the Svalich Woods, Izek lost his right arm protecting his sister, who went missing as a result of the attack — causing both of his parents to die of broken hearts.Raised by his paternal uncle, he no longer remembers his sister — but … So Strahd led Arvie upstairs, through another dining room with a large wedding cake in the middle of the table, and into a study, where hung a huge portrait of a woman of great beauty. Returning to the inn, the group finds in a panic that though the kids are safe, Ireena is missing; she had left earlier with ‘her brother’, Izek. And there is no one alive who can supply this information … Denizens of Barovia Premium Box Set features a variety of notable heroes and villains from Curse of Strahd Revamped (see "WotC Plans 'Curse of Strahd Revamped'"). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage. Ireena Kolyana is the sister of Ismark Kolyanovich and the adopted daughter of the late Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of Barovia. Izek Strazni is an NPC from the 5th Edition module Curse of Strahd. When Ireena was rescued from the Night Hag by Urwin and the other Keepers, she was taken to the Blue Water Inn and invited to stay for as long as she wished. His violent streak and tolerance for pain would earn him the attention of Baron Vargas and Baroness Lydia, who groomed the boy as a private enforcer and protector of their new infant son Victor. The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. Except for her clothes, she looked exactly like Ireena. While traversing Izek Strazni’s memories in Watcherhaus, you spied this younger version of your friend hiding from the direwolves in the tree line. Ireena Kolyana. The sister of the late burgomaster and the object of Strahd's attentions. Ireena is a striking young woman with auburn hair, wearing an antique breastplate and brandishing a longsword. Ireena & Izek. Dream on, dream on, of bloody deeds and death. Disheartened by the Abbot’s madness and bereft of companionship in the world, Ireena returns to Barovia and is spirited away by Strahd on the road. Friar Kay, he noticed, was carrying an unconscious Remy over one shoulder. Izek is someone who lost his family very young, and has been essentially adopted by an abusive asshole (Vargas). According to the Burgomaster’s Letter, the love of his life, Ireena Kolyana, is suffering from a terrible affliction. Ezmerelda could find the party and say she saw werewolf tracks around the tower and give them a chance to fight wolves and/or meet Strahd there when they return to save or check on her. Though he had bitten her twice, Ireena was not sired into a vampire and she escaped his cluthes before she was. Riley goes ahead to investigate by looking in one of the shop windows. The party investigates the room and discovers a secret door with a chest and some of Strahd’s money inside. He promises great rewards for saving her. Krezk is a town in the country of Barovia, within the Forgotten Realms Campaign of Nat19. Kolyan and Donavich have kept this secret from her for her entire life, not wanting her to feel like an outsider to the family. We met him at the Blood of the Vine tavern shortly after our arrival in Barovia. Izek became infuriated and his demonic arm pulsed with rage. Vote. The room is full of dolls that look like Ireena. When Ireena, her brother Izek, her father, and her uncle went on a fishing trip, Izek was bitten by a Dire Wolf. Frightened, Ireena ran away. She was found and adopted by Kolyan Indirovich, the Burgomaster of Barovia. Bond over shared trauma and a love of cats. Izek Born Izek was born in Vallaki; Y712 (Elsewhere) Ezmerelda Born; Y714. Unravel the mysteries of Ravenloft in this dread adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game Under raging storm … Mordenkainen is a powerful wizard who rallied the population of Barovia to his side and led an attack against Castle Ravenloft approximately one year ago. Ireena Kolyana is the adopted daughter of Kolyan Indrinovich, and adopted sister of his son Ismark Kolyanovich.She was found wandering the woods north of the Village of Barovia when she was a child, and was taken in by the burgomaster. The module revolves around the vampire Strahd von Zarovich and the Demiplane of Dread that serves as his prison. Following his death, Izek’s body was drug to the town square where he hung from the central statue and left as an example for any others who dare challenge Lady Wachter’s authority. Escort Ireena to Vallaki Description: Ismark has asked you to help escort his sister, Ireena Kolyana, to the fortified settlement of Vallaki in the hopes that Strahd will be unable to reach her. Portends and prophecy, dreams and nightmares are constant motifs in Curse of Strahd. Izek’s interest frightens her, however, and an attack by Strahd on the burgomaster’s mansion soon drives Ireena out of Vallaki altogether.

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