solutions of indiscipline among the youth

2.1 Population of the Study The problems of indiscipline among students is fast becoming a canker worm that is eaten deeper and deeper in to the fabric of our society and thereby constituting a greater threaten to the stability of the nation. Below are highlighted suggested solutions for youth violence in the society: -Good home training by parents or guardians. Among other things, it was found that the societal customs and way of life can in one way or other influence the positive or negative behaviour of the child, that parental absence and poor moral upbringing of the child can plague the secondary school students of acts of indiscipline and that children from a high socio-economic background can be . DSPD organized a panel discussion on "The Social Impact of the Economic Crisis". Clothe of Nakedness. Sample response. Indiscipline is a noun that means absence of discipline and having a lack of restraint. Indiscipline of various types has eaten deep into the fabric of the social system, it is a problem that is increasing at a fast . Causes The breakdown of traditional family life. The Indians must have discipline in every field of activity One of the critical issues the present society is battling with is the high rate of social indiscipline among its teeming youth. . Indiscipline among youth at an alarming rate Written By Jane Njeri Thuo The recent incident in which police arrested 35 students caught smoking bhang and having sex inside a bus is a harrowing example of an entrenched problem that requires urgent attention. On the solution to indiscipline among the youth, the elderly advice that reading is the antidote to this problem. The indiscipline among the students is on the increase. Discuss the causes of this problem and suggest solutions. solutions to curb students' indiscipline in secondary schools. "Indiscipline" is also a the name of a heavy metal song that came out in 1981 and was sung by King Crimson. Indiscipline is defined as a lack of control or punishment. -Finding a solution to the nations economic problems. More than 70 percent of the country's youth population lives below the poverty line of $2 per day and well over 60 percent are unemployed. Purpose of the study Indiscipline among the pre-adult is getting away hands, the causes, and effects and some proposed answers for check it. The concept of anti social behaviour There are many causes of indiscipline among youngsters. The indiscipline among the students is on the increase. The effects of indiscipline among the youth are manifold.Indiscipline is defined as a lack of discipline. Lack of discipline among youngsters is one of the biggest problems that we face today. indiscipline and the community is not spared either. in great lawlessness and indiscipline among the students. To enforce strict discipline in schools and colleges is a great problem these days when cases of indiscipline have become quite frequent. Indiscipline and Unrest among Students. Denga (1999) in his study identified indiscipline problems such as stealing, truancy, sexual offence, vandalism and cheating as In this light the researchers concern is to find out factors responsible for indiscipline among secondary school students with a view to provide solutions in order to make our educational system what it ought to be. To avoid indiscipline among students, it is the duty of parents, teachers and authorities to sit together and take some useful and appropriate actions in order to save them from getting spoiled. Indiscipline among the youth can be defined as the repulsive or unpleasant individual behavior that is disapproved by the society. It is an admitted fact that students of today are very much different from those of […] Compliment them, write them kind notes, and attend their extracurricular events when possible. Indiscipline Among The Youth Search. Solution to curb youthful Indiscipline is, with good disciplinarian techniques, parents can bring in a lot of positive changes in the behaviour of their children. In examinations, they insist on copying and if any invigilator checks them, he is threatened. I will be discussing below some of the solutions that can bring an end to indiscipline. Some of the effects of indiscipline among the youth include lack of respect for teachers‚ parents and other senior figures. Below are the causes, effects and suggested solutions to save the nation from the danger. The critical thing here is to learn a sense of right and wrong, good and bad. 01. Top 10 Tips to Deal With Indiscipline in the Classroom. Be professional. However, another element among youths was also emerging. There is now a high degree of idleness, lawlessness and indiscipline among the youth, partly due to weak education and the lack of employment opportunities. Games have . He said it is the high level of indiscipline among the youth, which is at the root of crime and violence in the society. Sometimes it seems like it happens in class after class. In April 2013, the Youth Forum 'Solving Youth Problems Together' was organized by the youth organization Alter-Sport and the 'Young Football Volunteers: Sport and Volunteering for the Millennium Development Goals . -Smooth and better access to quality education for all. Recently the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kumasi, the Most Reverend Justice Gabriel Yaw Anokye, raised fears about the future leadership of Ghana due to the growing acts of indiscipline and negative behavior among the youth. The study did not consider solutions to particular or specific acts of indiscipline but solutions in general in dealing with the acts of indiscipline among students of Gumani Junior High School. Indiscipline Among The Youth Search. It is very easy.for students to go astray if not guided by their parents and cools. attempted suicide were recorded in young people aged between 10-19 years among which 76 males and 225 females. : the political university. The problem of indiscipline among the industrial workers is the main concern of the organisation which should be removed as early as possible. In future, solution for curbing indiscipline could be narrowed to each particular acts of indiscipline among students. To avoid indiscipline among students, it is the duty of parents, teachers and authorities to sit together and take some useful and appropriate actions in order to save them from getting spoiled. He said, among other thing, that there was an urgent need to ensure that youth grows to be discipline citizens. Essay No. They can't read for a whole hour or two, they get bored and want to play. In developing nations, indiscipline has been a major and continuous administrative problem among secondary schools in developing countries. Zubaida (2009) identifies various forms of indiscipline among the secondary scholl People change and so does the society they live in. Taking help of the points given below, write an article on the importance of discipline in life in about 150-200 words. They have turned . Among the problems of indiscipline in schools is the issue of laziness. criminality among the youth and juvenile delinquency. Hence, the effect of drugs on the human . Reverend Dr Akaburi expressed worry over the upsurge of gross indiscipline among the youth and condemned the bad behaviour of some final year students of Senior Secondary schools during the . concrete solutions to student indiscipline in schools. Below are the causes, effects and suggested solutions to save the nation from the danger. Youth must be made to understand the meaning of love, respect and care among themselves. . The newspapers are full of reports of unrest and indiscipline among students. Indiscipline among students in Nigerian schools remained a source of great concern to stakeholders as it had caused a lot of mental, emotional and physical damage in the society. 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Study Historical Background The emergence of nuclear families is one of them. Professor Jubril Aminu in his article on "indiscipline among student" in daily sketch November 19, 1985 commented that there is gross indiscipline in Nigeria school system. Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA) Executive Director, Beverly Braithwaite-Chan is adamant that lack of proper parental guidance is a main contributory factor for disciplinary behaviour among children. Other times a teacher gets a few good years under his or her belt before it hits. The breakdown of traditional family life. By Gabriel Edzordzi Agbozo. On the basis of the above definition, it may be said that youth unrest is characterized by: (iv) The need for change in the existing norms. If your goal is for your students to like you, you're going to set yourself up for a host of problems. School violence is a multi-faceted social ill and may occur for diverse reasons, one of which is the intake of hard substances such as drugs and alcohol abuse. The event was divided into different sessions. Indiscipline among the youth can be defined as the repulsive or unpleasant Individual behavior that Is disapproved by the society. Indiscipline has been the source of various problems in schools nowadays. The first session… It has become one of the serious problems being faced by the country. This is one of the major factors that account for indiscipline among the . This is one of the major factors that account for indiscipline among the […] Causes. This is one of the major factors that account for . DEVELOPMENT OF MORALS "Indiscipline" is also a the name of a heavy metal song that came out in 1981 and was sung by King Crimson. Youth Indiscipline: A National Tragedy. Among other things, it was found that the societal customs and way of life can in one way or other influence the positive or negative behaviour of the child, that parental absence and poor moral upbringing of the child can plague the secondary school students of acts of indiscipline and that children from a high socio-economic background can be . Sinbair (1999) conducted a study in Botswana among 200 high schools pupils and it was reported many students have failed and thus dropped out of School because of indiscipline .This study examined the Forms of indiscipline among students, nature of Discipline management systems and How these systems are applied in selected private secondary schools in Entebbe. 4. Students go on strikes, they resort to . "We make the biggest mistake to think that crime and violence is Jamaica's . This is a fact borne out by daily happenings. Indiscipline Among the Students. It is the growing tendency towards violence among the youth. Below are the causes, effects and suggested solutions to save the nation from the danger. They often take law in their own hand, organize strikes and upset the peaceful life. find solutions to the problem. Modern youth are often accused of non-participation and indifference to community life and public service, but members of the First Youth Forum in Mykolayiv can dispel this belief. Indiscipline is rampant in the society today especially among children. Indiscipline among the youth can be defined as the repulsive or unpleasant Individual behavior that Is disapproved by the society. The 5 causes of indiscipline in educational institution are as follows: (1) Loss of Respect for Teachers (2) Lack of Ideals (3) Defective Educational System (4) Effective Freedom-Fight (5) Economic Crisis. The newspapers are full of reports of unrest and indiscipline among students. Parents, teachers, school owners, and students must be involved in putting an end to this act. The Bound together Nations depicts Young people between the ages of 15-24 years, this definition was made amidst approaches for the far reaching youth the year 1985 and maintained by the General Social affair different nations in like way draw a line on the energetic at the . Moral Subject such as tatarakyat and civics should be taught and priority should be given to the subject. We are in person the solution to our predicament if we will do what is . This is a fact borne out by daily happenings in schools and colleges. Among other things, it was found that the societal customs and way of life can in one way or other influence the positive or negative behaviour of the child, that parental absence and poor moral upbringing of the child can plague the secondary school students of acts of indiscipline and that children from a high socio-economic background can be . Moral Decadence: To start with, "Moral decadence" in reference to the Oxford Advanced English Dictionary "Is falling to the low level of sound morality". The meeting took place on 18 October 2011 in New York at the Economic and Social Council Chamber (NLB). It includes lying, stealing, playing truants or running away from home. What are the solutions to indiscipline? H 0 2: there is no significant relationship between causes of indiscipline among student and student academic performance. Causes The breakdown of traditional family life. Just like lying, stealing and playing truant or running away from home, it is often the cause of a lot of mental emotional and also physical damage (MacDaniel, 2005). 17.12.2013 LISTEN. Solutions to the challenged of savings among the youth are sighted satisfying the objective of the study. Indiscipline Among Students Introduction: Indiscipline among students leads to a situation where the students doesn't listen to the teachers and take their own decisions. It happens to every teacher at some point. Moral decadence among the youths. Hence, moral decadence is a situation whereby someone passes from a state of goodness to a lower state by losing qualities, which are considered . Sometimes it seems like it happens in class after class. Discuss the causes of this problem and suggest solutions. It is a behavioural disorder that is classified as an act of delinquency. These problems certainly show an abnormality among youngsters in Mauritius and an indisciplined, uncultured and bad- mannered youth will be unable to lead others in the future. Over . Essay on indiscipline among youth . H 1: there are factors responsible for indiscipline of students in secondary school. The paper has examined some of the agencies that PROFFERING SOLUTION TO INDISCIPLINE BEHAVIOR AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN OREDO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE ABSTRACT The purpose of this project work was to investigate the course of indiscipline behavior among secondary school student in Oredo and proffer solution to them. Children don't listen to their parents or teachers and often indulge in activities that are harmful to them as well as the society. Whenever something is done against them, they will go on strike. -Good example by the nation's leaders. Possible remedies to curb indiscipline in secondary schools include moral leadership, moral education/instruction, education orientation and behaviour-accountability policy implementation. The decline of moral values among the youths have increased in crime and violence, sexual activities, internet fraud and drug abuse. Every responsible person today complains of the growing indiscipline among students. This attitude of course is why they . Lack of parental guidance a major cause of indiscipline among children. Every man, working women and students and working youths who perform some manual work or any. 2. It is often the cause of a lot of mental, emotional and physical damage. He said the . The significance of this study is to identify the causes and solutions of indiscipline among schools. Sometimes it is with the first class. This study involved five secondary schools which were selected in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. effects of youth indiscipline. Solution Students, school staff or members of society who are intoxicated tend to lose control of their inhibitions and often act in an irrational manner. Research Design The research method used was the descriptive survey. An undisciplined child is an uncontrollable child and . by Susan Verner 274,148 views. Sharing her views on indiscipline among the youth in recent times in an interview with the Daily Graphic, Ms Nkrumah explained that bad influences picked from the Internet, coupled with other . In Nigerian schools, according to Okoson (2010) acts of indiscipline which include truancy hooliganism, disrespect for school authority, cheating in examinations and drunkenness were on the increase. interactions among the staff, students, parents and others involved in the school community. Rewarding is far better an option than punishing .Scientific studies have shown that people respond more quickly to positive consequences and encouragement. Negative vices such as aggressive behaviour, drug abuse, secret cult activities, armed robbery, indiscipline and indecent dressing are mounting a roadblock towards effective development of desirable morals among our youths. Social Problems Affecting Youth Today and Ways to Solve Them Society nowadays isn't what it was a decade ago. This is a fact borne out by daily happenings in schools and colleges. students' indiscipline in secondary schools in Cameroon. For the maintenance of effective discipline, the contributory causes of indiscipline should be removed and favourable conditions be created. Solutions to Indiscipline in Schools. This paper addresses these factors among the youth imprisoned at Kamiti Youth Corrective Training centre (Y.C.T.C) which is the only penal institution for young male offenders aged 17 - 21 years in Kenya. The following measures should be adopted in checking indiscipline: Top 10 Tips to Deal With Indiscipline in the Classroom. Remedy to indiscipline is a collective effort by all stakeholders. Indiscipline is the root cause of all our troubles but discipline on our part is the best solution to our entire plight. The Indians must have discipline in every field of activity One of the critical issues the present society is battling with is the high rate of social indiscipline among its teeming youth. DATE: 24th AUGUST, 2016 TIME STARTED: 03:00PM NUMBER OF ATTENDEES AT THE BEGINNING: TEN (10) TOPIC: POOR PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS AT THE BECE On Saturday the 24th of September, 2016, the youth speak up held their second idea platform at Hopin Academy in Tamale, Ghana. It happens to every teacher at some point. It could be argued that the indiscipline of certain individuals has reduced the morality and ethics of many young people. by Susan Verner 274,148 views. He said, among other thing, that there was an urgent need to ensure that youth grows to be discipline citizens. It has become one of the serious problems being faced by the country. Indiscipline occurs due to ill maintenance of discipline in the educational institution which hampers the success of management of any . How do you explain indiscipline? In view of the devastating consequences of disciplinary problems in Ghanaian schools, the call for the maintenance of sound discipline, which should be a partnership among the parents, the learners, the educators and the state cannot be overemphasized. Indiscipline Among Youths. The confusion and blind belief of this period can lead to the early formation of trauma and other deep problems. The amazing part is . The problems that our grandparents experienced with our parents aren't the same that our parents experience with us. Indiscipline is a behavioural disorder that is classified as an act of delinquency (kipropo, 2012). 1. The study realized relatively poor savings habits among the youth with many of them accepting responsibility for indiscipline in inculcating consistent savings habits. Therefore, there is need to get at the root of causes of indiscipline among students with a view of finding a solution. These findings will go long way in exposing teachers and other school workers to the major cause of indiscipline in schools. The study involved 55 inmates selected by simple random Most students in schools today are lazy, even very lazy. Speaking at the recently held open forum to promote safe . Students go on strikes, they resort to . I want to state here that if the elderly were so involved in reading, why would some of them if not all at the parliament house approve of the ex gracia for the president and other state functionaries without reading through the . Despite many recommendations and subsequent actions by educational stakeholders, the problem of student indiscipline in, especially, Kenyan public secondary schools just seems unable to go away. Indiscipline is a noun that means absence of discipline and having a lack of restraint. Essay on indiscipline among youth . H 0: there are no factors responsible for indiscipline of students in secondary school. The researchers utilized survey method because the study investigates perception of teachers to indiscipline among secondary school students as perceived by teachers. H 2: there is a significant relationship between causes of indiscipline among student and student . Essays on. IT is unbecoming of students to be involved in gangsterism, bullying, rape, drug, assault on teachers and many other offences. They are lazy in doing things. formal and informal sector. Some solutions to curb indiscipline in schools. On the solutions to indiscipline among the youth, the elderly advice that reading is the antidote to this problem. Sometimes it is with the first class. Nowadays, young people are exposed to two . Professor Jubril Aminu in his article on "indiscipline among student" in daily sketch November 19, 1985 commented that there is gross indiscipline in Nigeria school system. It is very easy for students to go astray if not guided by their parents and schools. Other times a teacher gets a few good years under his or her belt before it hits. behaviour among our youths. Give them the benefit of the doubt and show them that you love them. (ii) Growth and spread of a generalized belief among the youth which identifies the source of discontent, frustra­tion and deprivation, (iv) Collective reaction to stimuli. Indiscipline Among the Students. 847 Words4 Pages. Certain individuals has reduced the morality and ethics of many young people something is done them... Belt before it hits are lazy, even very lazy good years under his or her belt it! Is unbecoming of students to go astray if not guided by their parents and involved... Habits among the staff, students, parents and schools was a decade ago strikes upset! & # x27 ; t What it was a decade ago student and student the method... Positive consequences and encouragement Nakedness - 624 Words | Studymode < /a > Essays on stealing playing! 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