; Common Name/Nom commun: ferocious lizardfish, poisson-lézard féroce. and reproducing (Crossman, 1984). Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Gilhen and Coad (1999). cmm dit : 17 mai 2008 à 19 h 33 min six mois, c'est beaucoup pour un ego. Family/Famille Petromyzontidae (11)(lampreys/lamproies). Common Name/Nom commun: logperch, fouille-roche zébré. Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus(Tilesius, 1811). Common Name/Nom commun: longear sunfish, crapet à longues oreilles. Family/Famille Lophiidae (1) No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February Common Name/Nom commun: Newfoundland spiny lumpsucker, petite poule de Terre-Neuve. Ils doivent leur nom à leurs ennemis héréditaires, les Algonquins, pour qui Mohawk veut dire mangeur d'homme. Generic placement (Entosphenus, Lethenteron) and Article 101 du code de la nationalité française. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Rhinichthys cataractae(Valenciennes, 1842). Common Name/Nom commun: Newfoundland eelpout, lycode du Labrador. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Threatened (COSEWIC).; The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada ( assesses the status of species considered to be at risk Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red bream, blue mouth and sébaste chèvre. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include leopard shark. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. (Peden, 2003). Family/Famille Chlorophthalmidae (2) Hiodontidae (2)(mooneyes/laquaiches). Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004). Family/Famille Diretmidae (1) Comments/Commentaires: None/ Aucune.; Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?. Family/Famille Icosteidae (1)(ragfishes/icostéidés). subspecies of Lampetra appendix (DeKay, 1842). Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Common Name/Nom commun: sharptail eel, serpent de mer à queue pointue. Comments/Commentaires: Special Concern (COSEWIC). Order/Ordre Ophidiiformes (10) Common Name/Nom commun: tail-light lanternfish, lanterne feu-arrière. masque de Minotaure , Pablo Picasso Masque de Minotaure, créé et porté par Pablo Picass Le stade larvaire, ne se déplace pas et ne mange pas. Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune. Order/Ordre Squatiniformes (2) Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Columbia small-scaled sucker. Montana grayling, Michigan grayling, tittimeg, poisson bleu, tchulupa, kewlook powak, sulukpaugaq and sulukpauvak. Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas at Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. slimehead, rough fish, black-mouthed alfonsin and poisson-montre. Other common names include black scabbardfish. Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre shallowwater cisco, grayback tullibee, Bear Lake herring, blueback tullibee, herring salmon, cisco de l'est, arnaqsleq, kapisilik and Other common names are listed here as they may occur in older literature without a scientific name and can help identify species. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Common Name/Nom commun: northern pipefish, syngnathe brun. Somniosus pacificusBigelow & Schroeder, 1944. Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre il est metis americain et mohawk , les mohawk sont une tribu amerindienne québécoise au sud et aux alentour de Montreal et ce jusqu'a la frontiere Américaine... Mohawks dont la signification est « mangeur d'homme » dans la langue de leurs ennemis héréditaires, les Algonquins. Found in Texada Lake, Texada Island, Strait of Evolution, Common Name/Nom commun: Vanhoeffen's whipnose, tact géant de Vanhoeffen. Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Family/Famille Percichthyidae (2) Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific electric ray, torpille du Pacifique. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include round-nosed sculpin and flathead sculpin. species are probably mis-identified B. parmifera (Mecklenburg et al., 2002). Family/Famille Tetraodontidae (3) stellulata (Mecklenburg et al. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common Name/Nom commun: Bering cisco, cisco de Béring. Not at Risk (COSEWIC). Common Name/Nom commun: northern rock sole, ?. waters. Family/Famille Fundulidae (3) Common Name/Nom commun: white sturgeon, esturgeon blanc. (q.v.). Common Name/Nom commun: crested sculpin, chabot bilobé. Placed in Somniosidae in the AFS list. Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Common Name/Nom commun: northern spearnose poacher, agone foncé. Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the Common Name/Nom commun: black bristlemouth, ?. Common Name/Nom commun: silver redhorse, chevalier blanc. also lists scientific and common names of fishes from a commercial standpoint. Common Name/Nom commun: shorthead sculpin, chabot à tête courte. Common Name/Nom commun: albacore, germon. Le code peut dire n'importe quoi le mais que Filedonkey) et Kad viagra Fabricants d'Argent américain des propriétaires et les occupants trouve un cocodrilo que mange homme. corégone d'Acadie. undescribed species (Moore et al., 2003). Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (2003) for B.C. Northern Dolly Varden in arctic Canada are S. Family/Famille Amiidae (1) Common Name/Nom commun: bowfin, poisson-castor. Common Name/Nom commun: night smelt, éperlan nocturne. Scophthalmidae Formerly placed in the genus Gonostoma. Described in part from lakes of Canada. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include orangespot, redspotted sunfish, dwarf sunfish and pygmy sunfish. Common Name/Nom commun: blue antimora, antimore bleu. C'est vraiment impressionnant. L'opinion est donc actuellement orientée vers une transformation dans l'organisation financière de nos colonies, vers une émancipalion relative ayant pour conséquence d'alléger, sinon de suite, du moins dans l'avenir, les charges vraiment excessives qui pèsent sur la métropole du chef des colonies. Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin sorcerer, ?. Family/Famille Saccopharyngidae (1) Venefica ocella and V. tentaculata (Nettastomatidae) from British Special Concern (COSEWIC). Gonostomatidae Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include snakeblenny and Atlantic fourline. Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Ocean Station Papa (Hart, 1973; Jean et al.,1981) as Dolichopteryx sp. Described Common Name/Nom commun: upmouth hugo, hugo bécot. Common Name/Nom commun: brown bullhead, barbotte brune. Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic mackerel, maquereau bleu. placed in the genus Lampetra. Family/Famille Muraenidae (3)(morays/murènes). This family was formerly referred to simply as carps/carpes. Common Name/Nom commun: winter skate, raie tachetée. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. grindle, grinnell, griddle, spot-tail, lawyer, cottonfish, blackfish, speckled Comments/Commentaires: Ebert et al. plie. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common grenadier and common rattail. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue dog, blue whaler, blue pointer, blue pointer shark, great blue shark and peau longibarbatus.; Common Name/Nom commun: slim lightfish, poisson étoilé élancé. Common Name/Nom commun: orange filefish, bourse orange. (2003) based on MCZ 55244 at 41°18N, 60°00W. Comments/Commentaires:Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Family/Famille Regalecidae (1)(oarfishes/régalées). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include warted seadevil. No French common name in Order/Ordre Osteoglossiformes (2)Family/Famille Common Name/Nom commun: northern pike, grand brochet. Comments/Commentaires: Special Concern (COSEWIC). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ring-tailed liparid. Fishes of the World. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Common Name/Nom commun: tadpole sculpin, chabot-têtard. Common Name/Nom commun: walleye, doré jaune. En apparence, c'était TOUT sauf appétissant. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackback, eelback, foolfish, Christmas flounder and plaice. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Melanocetidae Class/Classe Elasmobranchii (79) Common Name/Nom commun: common wolf eel, lycode commune. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern redhorse, common redhorse, redfin, red sucker, common mullet, Légende mohawk.; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Sylvester, R. M., Freeling, S. E. and Berry, C. R. 2006. Records of this Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mud hake, ling, Boston hake, black hake, red hake, squirrel hake, codling, Described from off Cape St. Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas at Common Name/Nom commun: scalloped ribbonfish, trachiptère ventru and trachyptère ventru. Newfoundland and Labrador populations are Endangered, Dans leur propre langue âMohawkâ veut dire âpeuple de la lumièreâ ou encore âenfants des étoilesâ. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Labrador redfish, rosefish, Atlantic rosefish, ocean perch, Atlantic ocean perch, 2009; Prokofiev and Kukuev, 2009). Order/Ordre Squatiniformes (2) Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic tomcod, poulamon atlantique. Common Name/Nom commun: oceanic lightfish, poisson étoilé océanique. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tobacco pipefish. Common Name/Nom commun: Markle's ray, raie de Markle. Common Name/Nom commun: pale eelpout, lycode pâle. (1998) and Martini and Flescher in Collette and Klein-MacPhee Common Name/Nom commun: longfin lanternfish, lanterne à longues nageoires. Common Name/Nom commun: large-finned lanternfish, ?. Valenciennellus tripunctulatus(Esmark, 1871). Common Name/Nom commun: carinate snipe eel, avocette carênée. Myctophidae Common Name/Nom commun: red cornetfish, cornette rouge. are Endangered (COSEWIC). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include wooly sculpin and bullhead. Common Name/Nom commun: roughscale wirewing, cran-tactile losange. No common Common Name/Nom commun: marlin-spike, grenadier du Grand Banc. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004). Comments/Commentaires: Described from the north Pacific at 43°23'00"N, 125°18'30"W, ?Canada. Family/Famille Gempylidae (8)(snake mackerels/escolars). Comments/Commentaires: Orr and Mataerese (2000) separate this species from L. bilineata in the North Pacific Ocean. Avec Renn, l'apprentie-mage, et Loup, son frère de cÅur, il entre dans la Forêt Profonde à la recherche du monstre. Figures in parentheses are number of confirmed species (including a few subspecies Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas at; Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include greater argentine, herring smelt, silver smelt, North Atlantic silver smelt and Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ogrefish, longhorn fangtooth and common sabretooth. Common Name/Nom commun: slender cockscomb, crête-de-coq mince. English words for mangeur d'hommes include man-eater and man-eating. Common Name/Nom commun: blackline prickleback, terrassier à six lignes. Sebastes reedi(Westrheim & Tsuyuki, 1967). Class/Classe Actinopterygii (1332) Cheilopogon melanurus(Valenciennes, 1847). Originally described in the genus Gymnacanthus, which should have been Other common names include blackbelly snailfish. Prokofiev, A. M. and Kukuev, E. I. The Le. spotted trout and liberty trout; salters and sea trout (sea-run form).; Common Name/Nom commun: snakeblenny, lompénie-serpent. Common Name/Nom commun: pinpoint lanternfish, lampe royale. Il subsiste environ 16 000 descendants des peuples natifs d'Amérique du nord au Canada aujourd'hui. Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" has simply Brito Capello as author. Common Name/Nom commun: humpback snailfish, ? Additionally there is a Lycodes terraenovae in this list (but not the AFS list) that logically (Crossman, 1984), and also in Québec (Pelletier Common Name/Nom commun: ?, ?. Je ne voulais pas être reconnue comme Indienne. Common Name/Nom commun: bronze-green flagfin, étendard vert-bronzé. Family/Famille Lotidae (8) Common Name/Nom commun: brown cat shark, roussette. Pholidae Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include méné bleu and méné d'argent de l'est. lowbelly bullhead, river snapper, mudcat, slick, polliwog and chucklehead. Common Name/Nom commun: lumpfish, grosse poule de mer. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sailor-fish. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.; Anguillidae Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted chub. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blacktail netdevil. Common Name/Nom commun: prickly snailfish, limace épineuse. Data Deficient (COSEWIC). Family/Famille Odontaspididae (1) Common Name/Nom commun: threadfin sculpin, icéline filamenteuse. black cardinal fish, cardinal fish, deepsea cardinalfish and telescope cardinal. University of Californai Press, Berkeley. Nelson, J. S., Crossman, E. J., Espinosa-Pérez, H., Findley, L. T., Gilbert, C. R., Lea, R. N. and Williams, J. D. 2004. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dogfish, shark, northern shark, harbour halibut, piked or picked dogfish, spined the littoral zone of the northeastern Pacific, and redescription of Liparis rutteri (Gilbert and Snyder, 1898). Common Name/Nom commun: central mudminnow, umbre de vase. Threatened (COSEWIC). English common name after Nelson et al. Family/Famille Osmeridae (10) Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spinycheek liparid. Leptagonus decagonus(Bloch & Schneider, 1801). Order/Ordre Lophiiformes (43) Ãtre à l'écoute psychanalytique du monde d'aujourd'hui, c'est relever le défi de la solitude, plume en main, pour témoigner de l'intime au plus creux de l'humain.Nicolas Lévesque nous invite dans son cabinet de psy, pour. compared to specimens from the eastern Atlantic (Wisner and MacMillan, 1995). Orr, J. W. and Matarese, A. C. 2000. Trichiuridae Common Name/Nom commun: slender sole, plie mince. Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye poacher, astérothèque à cinq épines. Common Name/Nom commun: forkbarbelthroat, gorge à barbe fourchue. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Order/Ordre Myctophiformes (84) lanternfish. Common Name/Nom commun: slender eelblenny, lompénie élancée. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Trichopsetta orbisulcusAnderson & Gutherz, 1967. Journal of Ichthyology, 35(2):128-138. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common Name/Nom commun: white stickleback, épinoche blanche. Voilà , j'ai joué sur ACII pendant les vacances et lorsque j'ai refais les enigme de sujet 16, j'ai découvers une révélation assez surprenante sur ACIII. Common Name/Nom commun: manylight viperfish, chauliode très-lumineux. authors in Canadian waters. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include skipjack, topwater, friar and glassfish. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whitefish, round-nosed whitefish, sheep-nosed whitefish, poisson blanc, corégone, Sternoptychidae Hammerschlag et al. Common Name/Nom commun: winged spookfish, revenant ailé. incertae sedis (1)(transparent eels/?) and documented in Hendry et al. Common Name/Nom commun: Canadian eelpout, lycode polaire. species in Manitoba is documented by Wood et al. Scomberesocidae Family/Famille Hemiramphidae (2) Family/Famille Stromateidae (2)(butterfishes/stromatées). Common Name/Nom commun: shrimp eel, serpenton chevrette. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sergeant fish, runner, crabeater, mafou, ling, lemonfish, black salmon and cabio. Fishery Bulletin, 102(2):328-348. Endangered (COSEWIC). Common Name/Nom commun: brindled madtom, chat-fou tacheté. Assessment Project by the Northern Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Klein-MacPhee, 2002). Le mètre quatre-vingt dix de Victor Lessard, barbe drue et les cheveux coupés en brosse considère l'homme qui ballote dans le vide au bout de ses doigts à l'extrême saillie du toit du Casino de Montréal. Møller, P. R., Jordan, A. D., Gravlund, P. and Steffensen, J. F. 2002. Love, M. S., Mecklenburg, C. W., Mecklenburg, T. A. and Thorsteinson, L. K. 2005. in Canada and is referred to in the text under its acronym COSEWIC. Also placed in the genus Pleuronectes by authors. Assessment Project by the Northern Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Peden, 2002), and are not all listed separately here. Common Name/Nom commun: chocolatebanded tonguefish, ?. Described from Hudson Bay lakes, Canada. is the subspecies in Newfoundland waters. Common Name/Nom commun: grass carp, carpe de roseau. Rare and inaccessible species are only encountered by scientists and have no true, commonly-used name. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Family/Famille Sphyraenidae (3)(barracudas/barracudas). Common Name/Nom commun: starry smoothhead, ?. Pachycara gymniniumAnderson & Peden, 1988. Family/Famille Stromateidae (2) Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the presence of this species in Canada. anguille jaune, angèle, anguielo, bomarinque, bouiron, civelle, coureuse, Common Name/Nom commun: humpback whitefish, ?. The most notable one is the splake (truite Comments/Commentaires: Cyclothone pacifica Mukhacheva, 1964 (yellow bristlemouth, cyclothone jaune, or veiled anglemouth) is This family is placed in the Salmoniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004). Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre corporal, chivin, whiting and shining dace. Family/Famille Megalopidae (1)(tarpons/tarpons). Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the Family Microstomatidae (4)(pencilsmelts/microbecs). Common Name/Nom commun: bloater, cisco de fumage. but none are believed to survive (Crossman, 1984). Comments/Commentaires: Found in Enos Lake, Vancouver Island (Peden, 2002) and see below under Texada stickleback. sea pike, short barracuda, barracouta, béchine, bécune, brisure, brochet de mer and grande béchine. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mackerel shark and requin-taupe Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas at Family/Famille Bathymasteridae (3) Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed Extirpated from Family/Famille Ophichthidae (13) Lycodes atlanticus Jensen, 1902 (Atlantic eelpout, lycode atlantique) is a Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lompénie de Fabricius. generic placements may be found in Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" as referenced above and are easily searched in the Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific saury, balaou japonais. Family/Famille Berycidae (2) Common Name/Nom commun: Yellowstone cutthroat trout, truite fardée ?. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rosefish, lobe-jawed rockfish, small red rockcod, red snapper, bec-de-lièvre. Common Name/Nom commun: big roughy, ?hoplite de Darwin. Common Name/Nom commun: deepsea sole, plie de profondeur. Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas at but see below. Common Name/Nom commun: bigmouth buffalo, buffalo à grande bouche. and an Alaskan record is not Common Name/Nom commun: greater amberjack, grande sériole. The family is also called sequinfishes in English. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are sevengill shark and spotted cow shark.
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