arthur scargill and margaret thatcher

3 listopada 1988 roku spotkała się w Warszawie z generałem Wojciechem Jaruzelskim oraz premierem Mieczysławem Rakowskim. On 26 June 2003, Thatcher's husband Sir Denis died aged 88;[310] he was cremated on 3 July at Mortlake Crematorium in London. [340] At first, she ignored the question of privatising nationalised industries; heavily influenced by right-wing think tanks, and especially by Sir Keith Joseph,[341] Thatcher broadened her attack. Written authorization is required for the purchase of tea and coffee. The Shadow of the Mine: Coal and the End of Industrial Britain Now prime minister, Callaghan surprised many by announcing on 7 September that there would be no general election that year, and he would wait until 1979 before going to the polls. [43] In February 2012, Scargill won £13,000 in a court action against the NUM, primarily for car expenses, and for the earlier temporary denial of membership. "It's so hypocritical it's unreal," he said. Rząd Callaghana upadł na wiosnę 1979 po początkowych sukcesach tzw. [147], Thatcher believed that the trade unions were harmful to both ordinary trade unionists and the public. Minister obrony Michael Heseltine, który optował za Agustą, zrezygnował w proteście przeciwko stylowi prowadzenia rady ministrów i naciskom wywieranym na niego przez Thatcher (stał się później jej poważnym krytykiem i konkurentem w walce o władzę w partii). Została umieszczona na dwóch okładkach singli brytyjskiego heavy metalowego zespołu Iron Maiden: Sanctuary przedstawiona została scena tuż po zamordowaniu ówczesnej premier przez maskotkę zespołu, Eddiego. [17][12], Roberts arrived at Oxford in 1943 and graduated in 1947 with a second-class degree in chemistry, after specialising in X-ray crystallography under the supervision of Dorothy Hodgkin. The Miners' Strike, 1984–5: Loss Without Limit [27] She was influenced at university by political works such as Friedrich Hayek's The Road to Serfdom (1944),[28] which condemned economic intervention by government as a precursor to an authoritarian state. "Margaret Thatcher in Falkland Islands after Argentina's surrender, 1983", "Guest Worker Migration and the Unexpected Return of Race", "Margaret Thatcher: As the British Saw Her", "The Impact of the Falklands Conflict on Defence Policy", "Media organisations and the political process", "Why Britain's conservatives support a socialist health care system", The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, "What Was Margaret Thatcher's Legacy for Women? Sprzeciwiała się natomiast zniesieniu kary śmierci oraz ułatwieniom w procedurze rozwodowej. królowa Elżbieta II oraz jej mąż Filip, książę Edynburga, Joan Collins i Tony Blair[19]. The Enemy Within Była wówczas najmłodszą kandydatką z Partii Konserwatywnej. The Enemy Within: The Secret War Against the Miners [350] Unemployment did not fall below its May 1979 level during her tenure,[351] only marginally falling below its April 1979 level in 1990. [54], In 2017, Scargill spoke at an event in Cardiff setting out how British manufacturing could be rebuilt after Britain leaves the EU. After another candidate withdrew, Roberts entered Oxford in October 1943. [153], In March 1984, the National Coal Board (NCB) proposed to close 20 of the 174 state-owned mines and cut 20,000 jobs out of 187,000. Margaret Thatcher [270][271], On 14 November, Michael Heseltine mounted a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative Party. ulsteryzacji, rozpoczętą przez poprzedni laburzystowski rząd i jego ministra do spraw Irlandii Północnej – Roya Masona, uważając, że unioniści z Irlandii Płn. Skremowane prochy pochowano na terenie domu opieki dla weteranów Royal Hospital Chelsea, gdzie od 2003 spoczywa również jej małżonek[21]. śledztwo Scotta prowadzone w sprawie irackiej afery zbrojeniowej wykazało, że rząd Thatcher układał się z Saddamem Husajnem. [279], Thatcher was replaced as head of government and party leader by Chancellor John Major, whose lead over Heseltine in the second ballot was sufficient for Heseltine to drop out. The longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century, she was the first woman to hold that office. She survived an assassination attempt by the Provisional IRA in the 1984 Brighton hotel bombing and achieved a political victory against the National Union of Mineworkers in the 1984–85 miners' strike. Irlandii Północnej, lord Young zastępuje Kinga na stanowisku ministra zatrudnienia. [360] Others consider her approach to have been "a mixed bag"[361][362] and "[a] Curate's egg". The book includes information that has never before appeared in print, alongside memorabilia and personal letters from the period. Marching to the Fault Line: The Miners' Strike and the ... [151] According to the BBC in 2004, Thatcher "managed to destroy the power of the trade unions for almost a generation". In a sense, it ought to be: you cannot lead from the crowd. März 1985 siegreich zu beenden und danach die Rechte der Gewerkschaften durch eine scharfe Gesetzgebung erheblich zu beschneiden. Drugim zarzutem kierowanym przeciwko Thatcher jest upadek przemysłu wytwórczego (sfery produkcyjnej gospodarki) i całkowite zniknięcie niektórych gałęzi przemysłu. Darlington, "There is no alternative: Exploring the options in the 1984-5 miners' strike. W serialu „The Crown” w postać Thatcher wcieliła się Gillian Anderson[25]. Found insideI cannot find parliamentary language to use to describe Arthur Scargill. Mrs Thatcher did notcreate Arthur Scargill; theNational Union of Mineworkers, or certain branchesof it, did,although notin mypartof the world, Iam glad tosay, ... [342][343][nb 10]. Margaret Thatcher Oktober 1925 als Margaret Hilda Roberts in Grantham, Lincolnshire; † 8. [104], In 1976, Thatcher gave her "Britain Awake" foreign policy speech which lambasted the Soviet Union, saying it was "bent on world dominance". Thatcher appointed Lord Carrington, an ennobled member of the party and former Secretary of State for Defence, to run the Foreign Office in 1979. Nie przyjęła tytułu dziedzicznego, mimo że miała taką możliwość. [280] Thatcher had lobbied for Major in the leadership contest against Heseltine, but her support for him waned in later years. [53], Thatcher's talent and drive caused her to be mentioned as a future prime minister in her early 20s[23] although she herself was more pessimistic, stating as late as 1970: "There will not be a woman prime minister in my lifetime – the male population is too prejudiced. W samej partii coraz wyraźniej objawiał się podział odnośnie integracji w ramach Unii Europejskiej, w obliczu zbliżających się wyborów. Her popularity in her first years in office waned amid recession and rising unemployment, until victory in the 1982 Falklands War and the recovering economy brought a resurgence of support, resulting in her landslide re-election in 1983. Później rozpoczęła pracę w firmie British Xylonite jako chemik doświadczalny, stąd przeszła do przedsiębiorstwa J. Lyons and Co., gdzie zajmowała się To some she was the saviour of her country who [...] created a vigorous enterprise economy which twenty years later was still outperforming the more regulated economies of the Continent. "[40] Scargill complained to the Advertising Standards Authority who criticised the advertisement as "highly distasteful". Michael Shea, the Queen's press secretary, in 1986 leaked stories of a deep rift to The Sunday Times. She was decidedly cool towards reunification prior to 1990, but made no attempt to block it. Przejawem tego może być lista 100 najważniejszych osób w historii kraju z 2002 r. (sporządzona poprzez głosowanie telewizyjne) – gdzie Thatcher uplasowała się na 16. pozycji – najwyższej spośród żyjących osób. Thatcher hatte genügend Rückhalt im Parlament und in der Bevölkerung, um einen einjährigen Bergarbeiterstreik unter dem Führer Arthur Scargill am 3. It was a defining moment in British industrial relations, and its defeat significantly weakened the trade union movement. Piosenka krytykowała politykę Ronalda Reagana oraz Margaret Thatcher. Nalegała, żeby jej wystąpienie planowane na następny dzień odbyło się, miało to być wyzwanie rzucone terrorystom. Oprócz tego nakręcono kilka innych: Powstało również wiele sztuk teatralnych poświęconych byłej premier. [254] Believing that the single market would result in political integration,[253] Thatcher's opposition to further European integration became more pronounced during her premiership and particularly after her third government in 1987. Moore's masterful and definitive biography, based on unique access to Margaret Thatcher herself, her papers, and her closest associates, tells the story of her last period in office, her combative retirement, and the controversy that ... There was some controversy in February 1985 when Times journalist Paul Routledge engaged the Queen in discussion on the strike, and the Queen said that the strike was "all about one man", which Routledge objected to. Foi a primeira-ministra com o maior período no cargo durante o século XX e a primeira mulher … Jest oskarżana o zdemontowanie tzw. It was a showdown between the prisoners and Margaret Thatcher, the British Prime Minister. Mrs Thatcher's attitude to the Queen was ambivalent. [286] She wrote two volumes of memoirs, The Downing Street Years (1993) and The Path to Power (1995). [167] The resulting closure of 150 coal mines, some of which were not losing money, resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs and had the effect of devastating entire communities. Blair rebranded the party "New Labour" in 1994 with the aim of increasing its appeal beyond its traditional supporters,[375] and to attract those who had supported Thatcher, such as the "Essex man". He said that she felt Thatcher's policies were "uncaring, confrontational and socially divisive". Spotkanie odbyło się na plebanii kościoła św. W 1990 r. otworzyła Hadley Centre, które miało się zajmować badaniem zmian klimatycznych i ich przewidywaniem. Argentine fatalities totalled 649, half of them after the nuclear-powered submarine HMS Conqueror torpedoed and sank the cruiser ARA General Belgrano on 2 May.[239]. There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. [14] She was head girl in 1942–43,[15] and outside school, while the Second World War was ongoing, she voluntarily worked as a fire watcher in the local ARP service. Arthur Scargill, David Wilmot. [118] In a July 1979 meeting with Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington and Home Secretary William Whitelaw, Thatcher objected to the number of Asian immigrants, in the context of limiting the total of Vietnamese boat people allowed to settle in the UK to fewer than 10,000 over two years.[119]. Chiny zobowiązały się nie zmieniać ustroju społeczno-gospodarczego Hongkongu aż do 2047 r. W czasie spotkania Rady Europejskiej w listopadzie 1979 w Dublinie Thatcher stwierdziła, że Wielka Brytania otrzymuje ze Wspólnoty o wiele mniej środków, niż wpłaca. Jednak ta nowa siła nie była w stanie powstrzymać Partii Konserwatywnej, która zdobyła 42,4% głosów (niedużo gorszy wynik niż w wyborach 1979 r.). The National Coal Board was planning on closing 20 collieries which would have cost 20,000 jobs. [11] Pasó su infancia en Grantham, donde su padre era propietario de dos tiendas de comestibles. "It's Now 'Lady Thatcher', but She'll Stick With 'Mrs. Ponadto radni żądali przeznaczenia wyższych funduszy na rozwój miasta, co nie zgadzało się z polityką oszczędności budżetowych realizowanych przez torysów. W Argentynie niestabilna junta wojskowa szukała możliwości poprawy wizerunku w oczach narodu, który znosił pogarszającą się z roku na rok sytuację ekonomiczną. The secretary at this time was a very good friend of mine called Jimmy Reid, and we're still close friends. [32], Roberts joined the local Conservative Association and attended the party conference at Llandudno, Wales, in 1948, as a representative of the University Graduate Conservative Association. Scargill, along with veteran left-wing Labour MP Tony Benn, campaigned to free strikers Russell Shankland and Dean Hancock from prison. 31 marca 1990 r. w Londynie miała miejsce demonstracja licząca 70–200 tys. [14], Scargill was a very vocal opponent of Thatcher's Conservative government, frequently appearing on television to attack it. "I am homeless, the Government must house me!" W pierwszych miesiącach urzędowania zmniejszyła budżet resortu szkolnictwa, zdecydowała się także na niedofinansowywanie bezpłatnego mleka w szkołach, co wywołało falę protestów. Margaret Hilda Thatcher z domu Roberts, (ur.13 października 1925 w Grantham, zm. „Żelazna Dama” jednak uparcie trwała przy swoim. Scargill had, before becoming president, favoured moving the head office of the NUM out of London, which he described as a "prostituting place". Arthur Scargill (born 11 January 1938) is a British trade unionist who was President of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1982 to 2002. [405], Since her premiership, Thatcher has been portrayed in a number of television programmes, documentaries, films and plays. Her fall has been characterised as "a rare coup d'état at the top of the British politics: the first since, Thatcher succeeded in completely suppressing her Lincolnshire dialect except when under stress, notably after provocation from. Margaret Thatcher's demolition job on the industrial might of the British trade union movement helped to generate an economic revolution. So that was my initial introduction into socialism and into political militancy. Although Thatcher was committed to a tiered secondary modern-grammar school system of education and attempted to preserve grammar schools,[73] during her tenure as education secretary she turned down only 326 of 3,612 proposals (roughly 9 per cent)[74] for schools to become comprehensives; the proportion of pupils attending comprehensive schools consequently rose from 32 per cent to 62 per cent. Jeden z czołowych eurosceptyków, zwolenniczka ograniczonej integracji europejskiej. Bezrobocie w dalszym ciągu rosło, osiągając według oficjalnych danych rządowych 3,6 mln (ale kryteria kwalifikowania osoby jako bezrobotnej zostały wcześniej zmienione i według niektórych bezrobocie osiągnęło wysokość 5 mln). Bar Association. Tak więc, gdzie teraz jesteśmy? ", "Cabinet papers reveal 'secret coal pits closure plan, "Cameron rejects Labour call for miners' strike apology", "SCARGILL LEAVES HIS WIFE AFTER 37 YEARS; My marriage is over he tells pals", "Scargill used Thatcherite policy in bid to buy London flat", "National Union of Mineworkers 'expels' Arthur Scargill", "Arthur Scargill wins £13,000 union damages", "Why Arthur Scargill is reluctant to leave his £1.5m Barbican flat", "In search of Arthur Scargill: 30 years after the miners' strike", "Old comrades rub hands with glee at return of hard left", "List of candidates for the EU Parliamentary elections", "Stalin apologists drink to the memory of Uncle Joe", "Scargill angers unions with Solidarity attack", "Brexit means we can reopen the mines and cotton mills, says Arthur Scargill", "National Assembly for Wales Election Results 1999–2007", "Arthur Scargill and the Battle of Saltley Gate" BBC News 10 February 2012, Review of BBC Radio Play: "The Duel", by Michael Samuels – the struggle for control of the UK coal industry in 1984, Leaders of political parties in the United Kingdom, List of political parties in the United Kingdom,, Young Communist League of Britain members, Members of the General Council of the Trades Union Congress, Presidents of the National Union of Mineworkers (Great Britain), Short description is different from Wikidata, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from April 2021, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from January 2018, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles with dead external links from October 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [420], In the Falklands, Margaret Thatcher Day has been marked each 10 January since 1992,[421] commemorating her first visit to the Islands in January 1983, six months after the end of the Falklands War in June 1982. They were released from prison in November 1989. Thatcher did not regard women's rights as requiring particular attention as she did not, especially during her premiership, consider that women were being deprived of their rights. Campbell, Adrian, and Malcolm Warner. He played an important role in the miners' strike of 1972 and was involved in the mass picket at Saltley Gate in Birmingham. "[317], In 2006, Thatcher attended the official Washington, D.C. memorial service to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the 11 September attacks on the US. His major innovation was organising "flying pickets" involving hundreds or thousands of committed strikers who could be bussed to critical strike points to shut down a target. I think he genuinely has moved. Heath's leadership of the Conservative Party looked increasingly in doubt. Thatcher, Scargill and Bowie. 11 czerwca 2004 r. złożyła hołd byłemu amerykańskiemu prezydentowi Ronaldowi Reaganowi na jego pogrzebie w Waszyngtonie[18]. Wielokrotnie zabierała głos na świecie w aktualnych sprawach politycznych i aktywnie wsparła konserwatystów podczas wyborów w 2001 r.[17] Jednak w 2002 r. lekarze zalecili jej, aby więcej nie wypowiadała się publicznie ze względu na stan zdrowia, po tym, jak wcześniej po kilku drobnych chorobach jej odporność została nadwerężona. [21] Many politicians, including the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock, believed Scargill had made a huge mistake in calling the strike in the summer rather than in the winter. Major przekonał ją jednak, że jedynym sposobem na utrzymanie stabilności walutowej jest dołączenie do europejskiego systemu ERM, pomimo że Wlk. The National Coal Board was planning on closing 20 collieries which would have cost 20,000 jobs. "Two Kinds of Reform: Left Leadership in the British National Union of Mineworkers and the United Mineworkers of America, 1982–1990. Złożyła kwiaty przed Pomnikiem Poległych Stoczniowców. [8], Scargill was a leader of the unofficial strike in 1969, which began in Yorkshire and spread across the country. Na zaproszenie księdza prałata Henryka Jankowskiego spotkała się także nieoficjalnie z Lechem Wałęsą oraz innymi członkami Solidarności. [394] Just after her death in 2013, according to a poll by The Guardian, about half of the public viewed her positively while one third viewed her negatively. März 1985 siegreich zu beenden und danach die Rechte der Gewerkschaften durch eine scharfe Gesetzgebung erheblich zu beschneiden. Poprzez wygraną w wyborach 1987 r. na fali boomu gospodarczego pomimo ostrej opozycji laburzystowskiej atakującej konserwatystów za udostępnienie Amerykanom możliwości instalacji rakiet nuklearnych, ze 102-osobową przewagą w parlamencie Margaret Thatcher została najdłużej nieprzerwanie sprawującym urząd premierem od czasu Roberta Banksa – lorda Liverpool i pierwszą osobą, która trzykrotnie z rzędu wygrała wybory od czasów Henry’ego Temple’a – lorda Palmerston (1865). Negen maanden later gingen de mijnen dicht. Daarmee zou volgens sommigen de … [potrzebny przypis]. [47], In 1954, Thatcher was defeated when she sought selection to be the Conservative Party candidate for the Orpington by-election of January 1955. [41], In 1993, Scargill tried to use Thatcher's flagship Right to Buy scheme to buy a flat on the Barbican estate in central London. In popular recollection, the 1970s have gone down as the dark ages, Britain’s gloomiest period since the second world war, set between Harold Wilson’s ‘swinging sixties’ and Margaret Thatcher’s divisive eighties. Przeciwnicy pogłównego opasywali się razem, aby stawić opór komornikom, przeszkadzali także w posiedzeniach sądowych rozpatrujących sprawy dłużników podatkowych. The book draws on previously unseen sources from interviews with the major figures, private archives and documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act to set the record straight. Being Prime Minister is a lonely job. funkcję radnej, był pastorem kościoła metodystów. powinni być na czele walczących z irlandzkimi republikanami. Utworzyła rząd 4 maja 1979. [364] Burns (2009, p. 234) states that some British feminists regarded her as "an enemy". I fought terrorism all my life and if more people fought it, and we were all more successful, we should not have it and I hope that everyone in this hall will think it is right to go on fighting terrorism. "[163] Thatcher's opponents presented her words as indicating contempt for the working class and have been employed in criticism of her ever since. 4. [45], For years the NUM had been paying £34,000 annual rent for the flat on Scargill's instructions, without the knowledge of NUM members or many senior officials; Scargill claimed the NUM should continue funding his flat for the rest of his life, and thereafter for any widow who survived him. "Leadership in the Miners Union-Scargill, Arthur Rise to Power. She cited the help he gave Britain during the Falklands War. "[114][115] Her standing in the polls had risen by 11% after a 1978 interview for World in Action in which she said "the British character has done so much for democracy, for law and done so much throughout the world that if there is any fear that it might be swamped people are going to react and be rather hostile to those coming in", as well as "in many ways [minorities] add to the richness and variety of this country. [402], Thatcher was the subject or the inspiration for 1980s protest songs. With the 1975 Portuguese collapse in the continent, South Africa (which had been Rhodesia's chief supporter) realised that their ally was a liability; black rule was inevitable, and the Thatcher government brokered a peaceful solution to end the Rhodesian Bush War in December 1979 via the Lancaster House Agreement. [12][26] Roberts's enthusiasm for politics as a girl made him think of her as "unusual" and her parents as "slightly austere" and "very proper". Thatcher doceniła to, organizując dla mediów krótkie konferencje prasowe prowadzone przez jej sekretarza prasowego – Bernarda Ingrama. As two women of very similar age – Mrs Thatcher was six months older – occupying parallel positions at the top of the social pyramid, one the head of government, the other head of state, they were bound to be in some sense rivals. RH: MSS AAM 779, Margaret Thatcher to Robert Hughes, 9 November 1988. He served as Mayor of Grantham in 1945–46 and lost his position as alderman in 1952 after the Labour Party won its first majority on Grantham Council in 1950. [291], In August 1992 she called for NATO to stop the Serbian assault on Goražde and Sarajevo, to end ethnic cleansing during the Bosnian War, comparing the situation in Bosnia–Herzegovina to "the barbarities of Hitler's and Stalin's". [71] Consequently, she drafted her own new policy (Circular 10/70), which ensured that local authorities were not forced to go comprehensive. U większości Brytyjczyków osoba Margaret Thatcher budzi mieszane uczucia. The political power of the NUM and of most British trade unions was severely reduced. "[299], In 1998, Thatcher called for the release of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet when Spain had him arrested and sought to try him for human rights violations. Coal, or the lack of it, was persistently a source of trouble and cost the taxpayer a bomb until Margaret Thatcher’s epic struggle with Arthur Scargill and his private army. Thatcher and her party supported British membership of the EEC in the 1975 national referendum[252] and the Single European Act of 1986, and obtained the UK rebate on contributions,[253] but she believed that the role of the organisation should be limited to ensuring free trade and effective competition, and feared that the EEC approach was at odds with her views on smaller government and deregulation. W styczniu 1982 r. inflacja spadła do jednocyfrowej, wtedy też obniżono stopy procentowe. Ultimately, however, Claire Berlinski agrees with Thatcher: There was no alternative. His mother, Alice (née Pickering), was a professional cook. Środkiem do poprawy sytuacji ekonomicznej kraju miało być ograniczenie roli państwa w gospodarce. [18] Her dissertation was on the structure of the antibiotic gramicidin. W tym okresie mniej znani konserwatywni posłowie oraz parowie rozpoczęli kampanię pod hasłem „zaprzestania promowania homoseksualizmu”. Zajęła także miejsce trzecie na liście 100 najmniej popularnych Brytyjczyków wśród osób żyjących (Tony Blair zajął pierwsze miejsce). W grudniu 1992 r. ostrzegała przed nowym holocaustem, a po pierwszej masakrze w Srebrenicy w kwietniu 1993 r. miała wrażenie, że w byłej Jugosławii dochodzi do tragedii, o jakiej myślała, że Europa już nigdy nie doświadczy po doświadczeniach II wojny światowej. website of the socialist labour party in britain, with news, information, events, our policies, contacts and more. Margaret była wychowywana w oparciu o nauczanie kościoła metodystów i pozostała mu wierna przez resztę życia. Jej pogrzeb odbył się 17 kwietnia 2013 roku. Z tej drugiej posady zrezygnowała w 1998 r. Napisała swoje pamiętniki w dwóch tomach Droga do władzy (Path to Power) i Lata spędzone na Downing Street (The Downing Street Years). [33] Meanwhile, she became a high-ranking affiliate of the Vermin Club,[34][35] a group of grassroots Conservatives formed in response to a derogatory comment made by Aneurin Bevan. W 1986 r., w przeciwieństwie do innych członków NATO, wsparła operację „Kanion El Dorado” bombardowania Libii przez lotnictwo amerykańskie, w której wykorzystano bazy brytyjskie. Wraz z Margaret Beckett (minister spraw zagranicznych) i Theresą May (minister spraw wewnętrznych oraz premier), jako jedyne pełniły funkcję ministra z najważniejszej grupy resortów, tzw. [368] Her rhetoric was followed by an increase in Conservative support at the expense of the NF. W 2011 roku powstał film Żelazna Dama w reżyserii Phyllidy Lloyd, który pokazuje dojście do władzy oraz rządy Thatcher. Po wyborach 1983 r. rząd zachęcony tymi sukcesami wyprzedał większość udziałów w publicznych firmach, które w większości znacjonalizowano w okresie lat 40. Taking a worldwide perspective, including Britain, where the process began with Mrs Thatcher, Europe and the former USSR, China, Latin America and the US, THE COMMANDING HEIGHTS shows how a revolution in ideas is transforming the world ... [260], During the same month, West German chancellor Helmut Kohl reassured Thatcher that he would keep her "informed of all his intentions about unification",[261] and that he was prepared to disclose "matters which even his cabinet would not know". [259] The words of the meeting were leaked by her foreign-policy advisor Charles Powell and, subsequently, her comments were met with fierce backlash and controversy. [187] She delivered her speech as planned,[188] though rewritten from her original draft,[189] in a move that was widely supported across the political spectrum and enhanced her popularity with the public. [428], Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, "Iron Lady" redirects here. [33] Officials of the association were so impressed by her that they asked her to apply, even though she was not on the party's approved list; she was selected in January 1950 (aged 24) and added to the approved list post ante. Została zaproszona na ślub księcia Wilhelma i Catherine Middleton 29 kwietnia 2011 r., ale również nie uczestniczyła z powodu złego stanu zdrowia. Po spotkaniu w 1985 r. określiła go jako człowieka, z którym można ubić dobry interes (było to na 3 miesiące przed jego dojściem do władzy). [387], Thatcher ranked highest among living persons in the 2002 BBC poll 100 Greatest Britons. [282] Her domestic approval rating recovered after her resignation, though public opinion remained divided on whether her government had been good for the country. He led an unofficial strike in 1969, and played a key organising role during the strikes of 1972 and 1974, the latter of which played a part in the downfall of Edward Heath's Conservative government.

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arthur scargill and margaret thatcher

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