python format phone number with dashes

See the following examples: +1-555-555-0100. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Once you've got a phone number, a common task is to format it in a standardized format. Article. Learn to format string to phone number pattern which is (123) 456-6789. Why? Regular Expression to such as 333-333-1234. For example, 017-555-1212 is a legal input. Finally, the "Special" telephone number format is applied (column D). For example, 017-555-1212 is a legal input. If all I have is a string of 10 or more digits, how can I format this as a phone number? This conversion is generally required in applications where customer's data has to be displayed and phone number is part of this data. def validate_phone(cls, number): """ Validates the given phone number which should be in E164 format. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It is really irritating to try to work with programs like that. Stop Googling Git commands and actually learn it! String formatting is actually a surprisingly large topic, and Python has its own internal mini language just for handling the many formatting options available to us. These are only a few of the challenges in identifying or validating phone numbers. Is there a python library or a standard way of formatting phone numbers? Consider you entered the mobile number like 9 0 1 0 4 8 6 2 7 5, and it will convert more likely to be (+91) 9010-486275. Fastest way to insert these dashes in python string? How can I check if a string has numbers (0-9) and dashes? I think phone numbers should be stored as a string. 3. Also, an international phone prefix could be 00 instead of "+" so 0044 20 7946 0636 would be another expression of the same phone number. For instance, you may have a spider/crawler that would read certain pages from a website or a document and would extract the phone numbers from the text blocks. Regular expressions will be useful if you are accepting user input of phone numbers. Method 3: Add Dashes by Set Format as Special in Format Cell. Let's use PhoneNumberMatcher with a random text: This will print the matching phone numbers along with their index in the string: You may have noticed that our number is formatted in the standardized international format and divided by the spaces. I have code that is processing event data stored in csv files. In some Python versions such as 2.6 and 3.0, you must specify positional indexes in the format string: Then in the Format Cells dialog, click Custom option from Category pane under Number tab, and then enter this ###-###-#### format into the Type text box, see screenshot: 4. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that we'll have data entered in a standard format. Look how easy it is to extract the digits from .,, Podcast 399: Zero to MVP without provisioning a database. +61-02-5550-9988. As long as we're on the subject here are a couple of other custom formatting commands you might find useful. What's the canonical way to check for type in Python? Some trivial examples: 555-5555 555-555-5555 1-800-555-5555 I know those aren't the only ways to format them, and it's very likely I'll leave things out if I do it myself. Also can contain dashes or periods in the username. Write a program that prompts for a phone number of 10 digits and two dashes, with dashes after the area code and the next three numbers. Display if the phone number entered is valid format of not and display if the phone number is valid or not (i.e., contains just the digits and dash at specific places). They change the appearance of a number without actually changing the number. Postgresql - increase WAL retention to avoid slave go out of sync with master. On the other hand, it is possible to call the phone numbers from Kosovo by Serbian, Slovenian and Moroccan country codes. Some numbers started with the 44 country code and some didn't, some came with with a leading zero and some didn't, etc. Since UI part is out of the scope of this article, we'll use a basic example for AsYouTypeFormatter. ValueError: zero length field name in format. K3 surfaces with small Picard number and symmetry, Pain By Numbers - a friendly enigmatic puzzle. The time_zones_for_number() method will return a list of timezones that the number belongs to. How can I prevent bad inputs when storing phone numbers as strings? Given a string that contains a phone number without dashes, e.g. It gives the output for valid numbers only. Write a program that prompts for a phone number of 10 digit and two dashes , with dashes after the area code and the next three number . Seems like your examples formatted with three digits groups except last, you can write a simple function, uses thousand seperator and adds last digit: Here's one adapted from utdemir's solution and this solution that will work with Python 2.6, as the "," formatter is new in Python 2.7. Please do not write code that assumes every phone number to be in US format. Convert Pandas Column to DateTime. First, we do parse the string input to phonenumber format, and then we use an inbuilt function to get the timezone of a user. Many numbers had various combinations of digits with dash, plus, dot, parenthesis, etc. Python, C#, Linux. 4)dashes between parts. We'll pass a national string as the input: The output will be very similar to the PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL, except with the spaces: This is very useful when you want to pass the number to a background API. Called for a final interview with the university president after a notice of someone else getting hired for the position. what range might they come from? Ex: The rightmost 2 digits of 572 is gotten by 572 % 100, which is 72. Let's try to get output in Russian: And here's the output which says the United Kingdom in Russian: You can try it out with other languages of your preferences like "de", "fr", "zh", etc. "7813456789", compose another string that has the phone with the dashes: "781-345-6789". You should provide the complete number, including the country code with no use of special characters or spaces. Follow us on our social networks. I'm trying to write a program that generates a PHONE NUMBER using Python. You can check other Alpha-2 and numeric country codes from this website. Then if you need to save the phone number in a consistent format, build that format of the 10 digits. 2)space between different parts of the phone number. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 3)no space between different parts of the number. Once we have formatted some test phone numbers, we can format any of the cell containing phone numbers in the same format. Character classes. How to format string to phone number with dashes. If you're dialing the UK from the US, conventions . There are approximately ~2 million records in this table so modifying would take a long time. Viewed 24k times . For example, you can format a 10-digit number, such as 5555551234, as (555) 555-1234. Why might Quake run slowly on a modern PC? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In this tutorial, for simplicity, I will omit the ISO Alpha-2 country code for most cases and include it only when it's strictly necessary. Use dashes to separate numbers in the phone number. Why would anybody use "bloody" to describe how would they take their burgers or any other food? (I have already taken care of validating the string to make sure it's a valid phone number.) Right click to choose Format Cells from the context menu, see screenshot: 3. Screenshot 2: Set number to Social . Is there a way to auto add dashes in a phone number when the person types their phone number like for say phone number is 5551111234, but when they type it in the entry box the number should appear with hyphen b/w the number automatically like 555-1111234. When installing a smart switch, can I pigtail off of the neutral from the existent outlet in the same box on the same circuit? I got a task from a UK client to format all his 100,000+ phone numbers to UK standard phone number format (5 space 6, i.e. What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer", Polynomial approximation for floating-point arithmetic, PSE Advent Calendar 2021 (Day 13): A Christmas Hokuro, Finance Test: How to solve for interest rate? So a national number looks like. Related. """ try: parsed = phonenumbers.parse(number) except phonenumbers.NumberParseException as e: raise InvalidURN(str(e)) if number != phonenumbers.format_number(parsed, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164): raise InvalidURN("Phone numbers must be in E164 format") if not phonenumbers.is_possible . not enough arguments for format string. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Given an integer representing a 10-digit phone number, output the area code, prefix, and line number, separated by hyphens. Partnership. For example, on the first iteration, i is 0, and chunk is assigned message[0:12] (that is, the string 'Call me at 4'). Also if you have any questions in mind, feel free to comment below. figure ( ) plt. Screenshot 1: Set number to Phone Number. Let's start with the national formatting: This will return a nicely spaced phone number string with the national format: Now let's try to format the national number as in international format: The above code will return a nicely spaced phone number string: Notice that we passed "RO" as the second parameter into the parse() method. Some forms have simple text input fields for phone numbers. Let's consider the same sets of a sample phone number which we have seen in example-1. You can cast the phone number as a string then then parse out the parts and add hyphen declare Replace /. Anyhoo, I decided that I should format the phone number for usability's sake. Today in most countries it is possible to get your number from one carrier and later on move the same number to a different carrier, leaving the phone number exactly the same. National and International formats are pretty self-explanatory, while the E164 format is an international phone number format that ensures phone numbers are limited with 15 digits and are formatted {+}{country code}{number with area code}. What's the best way to format a phone number in Python? to finding games based on themes. Hint: Use % to get the desired rightmost digits. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to parse, validate and extract phone numbers, as well as how to extract additional information from the phone number(s) like the carrier, timezone, or geocoder details. if they included a country code): I think the problem is that the phone numbers are stored as float64, so, adding a few things will fix your inner loop: However, I think it is easier just to have the phone numbers as string (@Andy_Hayden made a good point on missing values, so I made up the following dataset:). The Python Phonenumbers library is derived from Google’s libphonenumber library, which is also available for other programming languages like C++, Java, and JavaScript. We can parse the phone number using the parse() method: The phonenumbers.parse() method takes a phone number string as a required argument. The format of a phone number can vary from one country to another. Is there a way to create multiline comments in Python? How do I get a substring of a string in Python? Learning. To see the code in action, run the example from here. Using Python gives and advantage to apply the string slicing easily to obtain the substrings. But a phone number like 07 75 62 21 25 (french format) will not be accepted because of its uses of spaces. For more information on E164, you can check this Wikipedia page. Can any one suggest me. You might find this helpful: If we want to add dashes into number with fixed format like Phone Number or SSN, you can directly select Special->Type->Phone Number (or Social Security Number) in Format Cells, see screenshot below. About us Blog. PhoneNumberMatcher takes a text block and a region as an argument then iterates over to return the matching results as PhoneNumberMatch objects. Or you might want to get information about the phone number's location so that you can provide relevant information. IQClub Since I'm iterating through an array, I also need to save the data in its existing column or rebuild that column after the phone numbers have been processed. As users type their phone number, the proper format is displayed without any effort from the user. Display if the phone number entered is valid format or not (i.e., contains just the digits and dash at specific places). @Thomas Right, this is exactly why I'm asking whether there is a library to do this. First, let's create and activate our virtual environment: Then we install the Python Phonenumbers library: This tutorial will use Phonenumbers library version of 8.12.19. For example, consider the three following format strings: "#,0.", which uses the thousands separator to format the number 100 million as the string "100,000,000". On top of that, some mobile phone carriers have their own rules (for example, certain digits can only use a certain range of numbers). You may receive your number in other formats, like divided by dashes or formatted to the national (instead of the international) format. I am not aware of a built in function or anything like that. Try out the number format code (000) 000-0000 with integer numbers. Java Code For Phone Number Format. On each iteration of the for loop, a new chunk of 12 characters from message is assigned to the variable chunk . 1. Polynomial approximation for floating-point arithmetic. Excluding either the numeric and ISO Alpha-2 country codes, will cause an exception of NumberParseException: (0) Missing or invalid default region.. Now let's try the E164 formatting option. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Title. Let's try this with our previous fake number: This will print out the origin country of the phone number: Short language names are pretty intuitive. okay, gotcha. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. For more information you can call us at +44-7986-123456 or 020 8366 1177 send an e-mail to, original GitHub repo of the Phonenumbers library, Parse Phone Numbers with Python phonenumbers, Validate Phone Numbers with Python Phonenumbers, Extract and Format Phone Numbers with Python Phonenumbers, Get Additional Information on Phone Number, Improve your skills by solving one coding problem every day, Get the solutions the next morning via email. First, we do parse the string input to phonenumber format, and then we use an inbuilt function to get the timezone of a user. But an international number format normally starts with +44, so it would be +44 20 7946 0636. This may not always be the case in real-life scenarios. Hint: Use // to shift right by the . I am hoping to removing them then put them in a . By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. We learned how to parse phone numbers with parse() method, extract numbers from text blocks with PhoneNumberMatcher(), get the phone numbers digit by digit and format it with AsYouTypeFormatter(), use different validation methods with is_possible_number() and is_possible_number(), format numbers using NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, and E164 formatting methods, and extract additional information from the phone numbers using geocoder, carrier, and timezone classes. "#0,.", which uses scaling by a factor of one thousand to format the number 100 million as the string "100000". I am attempting to removing parentheses and hyphens from phone numbers data I received from a flat file. Typing python -version (note the double dashes) at the command line will tell you if Python is currently installed and if so, what version. ) phonenumbers.phonenumberutil.NumberParseException: (1) The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number. No spam ever. Since the input number is a national number, it has no country code prefix to hint at the country. The number will always be ten digits: 5555551212, but I would like to display it as (555)555-1212. Perhaps they are being upcast to float as you have some missing data? At 4:29 pm American phone numbers get through the validation process easily and efficiently library got US covered here with... Scope of this article, we will use the exact approach followed at the link... 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