who would win a second civil war 2021

On the Right:Low-income white workers who were on the losing end of globalization and have become convinced that Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too Why The Republicans Would Lose A Second Civil War – Attack ... Unsure on Civil War: 40% Biden, 48% Trump, 12% unsure; Several other polls throughout the election showed rising concern of a potential civil war. Google+. Preachers. WHEN the Electoral College meets Monday, it will almost surely certify former Vice President Joe Biden as … By 1945, he was in the Army’s 10th Mountain Division as a second lieutenant. I have seen systems collapse. The HBO host shared a recent conversation he had with a Bosnian taxi driver in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who he said pointed out to Maher how alarmingly similar the current situation in the U.S. was to the political climate in the lead up to the tragic civil war in his country. a Second Civil War Brian Kemp on election night in 2018, before he became Trump’s enemy number one. The worst-case scenario for America's immediate future. Continue Reading Below. In an excellent article by Jeff Lukens here on American Thinker, he asks the question, “Is a second civil war coming?” In reply, I say that America’s second civil war has already begun. -. Fox News's Sean Hannity demands every honest patriot take to the streets. The s0-called “Civil War” (1860-1865) was not a civil war–it was a war for secession/independence. With Democrats increasingly pushing authoritarian policies and rule by decree and with the narrative from MSM consistently that the republicans are the ones pushing authoritarianism it seems a civil war is coming. References Bendavid, Eran, Ties Boerma, Nadia Akseer, Ana Langer, Espoir Bwenge Malembaka, Emelda A Okiro, Paul H Wise, et al. Author Shelton Bumgarner Posted on December 13, 2021 Categories Cold Civil War, From The Editor, Hindsight 2020, Media, The Resistance, Trumplandia Tags Autocratic America, Autocrats Never Lose, Fuck MAGA Fuck Trump, Fuck Ron DeSantis, Fuck You MAGA, Second American Civil War, Second American Revolution, We Are So Fucked Now the Democrat Party has moved hard left the past 12 years, but I … That's why our major news organizations dance around the awful truth, using confusing language. Tigray War. By Mike Shelby • June 18, 2019. 46% of Americans indicated that the occurrence was likely, with 30% stating it was “somewhat likely” and 16% stating it was “very … As I keep saying, 2024 is going to be it. It’s the year when either the United States turns into a Russian-style “managed democracy” or there’s a civil war. Now, this isn’t going to be a complete list of the 50 states, but I am going to highlight some of the states that may be more problematic should a Second American Civil War erupt. What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like. That was the 1864 US Civil War and that was history. U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, wearing top hat, is shown with Union Army … Unity is Peter’s focus . According to Evans, "To most people, the idea of a second American Civil War feels more like science fiction than a possible future…. Advertisement. Democrats are now all-in on the effort to spark a civil war in America before Trump can win re-election in 2020. By Joni Widodo, 16 January, 2021. October 3, 2021. The second American Civil War is here. Warner Todd Huston. Subscribe to. Or it's November 2020 and Trump has lost the election. A poll released last week by Zogby Analytics reveals that a plurality of Americans expect another civil war to occur at some point in the future. American democracy may perish from the earth. Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us, There are a lot of assumptions and misconceptions when it comes to the notion of a second civil war within the US. If civil war means two or more domestic organizations with opposing philosophical beliefs are clashing violently in multiple locations/states, this is already happening. But admit it. Last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol has ignited a civil war among many Christians. Right-wing social media call for war. Politicians. The last civil war had 2 sides and 2 entire different regions the north and the south. Go ahead and admit it to yourself, quietly if necessary. The facts are hard to come by–it’s literally going down RIGHT NOW–and I like … Today we are joined by Jim Hanson, the author of the new book 'Winning the Second Civil War Without Firing a Shot.' However, this time the issue is preserving liberties guaranteed in the Constitution, including the … The Second Civil War (CW2) just got underway. A Rasmussen poll in 2018 found that 31% of Americans think a civil war was likely in the following five years. Track the latest developments on CFR’s Global Conflict Tracker. Scenario: Second American Civil War. Civil wars are horrendous and bloody affairs. A war was fought and after 4 years the union was preserved through force of arms. Definition of civil war No official announced Trump's Civil War. NOTE: These pieces aren’t talking about riots or civil disturbances; they are writing specifically about a “ second American civil war .” Video – Forward Observer. A real Civil War–being a war to determine which side runs the country. Some have said that these ... in this public apology is twofold. The Revolution Will Plagiarize ISIS's Tactics. These are the accounts of the Second American Civil War, also known as the Wars of Reunification and the American Warring States Period. After the breakup many wondered which states would come out in control of the power void created by the dissolution of the United States. The Tigray War ( Tigrinya: ውግእ ትግራይ) is an ongoing civil war that began on 3 November 2020 in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia. Howdy ya’ll — apparently Google interest in this one is at an all-time high. By that definition we are already embroiled in a 'civil war'. Counties would win, since they supply majority of the personnel to the armed forces, and that's where food is grown. June 29, 2019. There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is poorly positioned to prevail in either one. The first scenario is that the Democrats take power and violate the Constitution in order to use the apparatus of the federal government to suppress and oppress Normal Americans. The philosophy of Democrats, of course, is, “If we can’t rule it, we will destroy it.” And they know the Trump administration in inching closer every day to … Jul 2, 2021. This year, the polarization between them has reached a new level of passion and intensity. According to Foreign Policy, a modern-day civil war is going to consist of a diverse web of small actors that pop up in ideologically and economically marginalized communities. As a consequence of America’s second civil war, America will lose that position of economic dominance. Ken Burns is still waiting to get started on his documentary about the Second Civil War, explaining he is contractually bogged down with 11 more years of footage from Kandahar to review first. At least, that’s what Rush Limbaugh once said. Facebook. America can be one again. What I see most often is the argument that the political left has “already won” the war without firing a shot and that a rebellion would be crushed under the heel of a newly a-wokened military industrial complex and a leftist controlled federal government. Email. First, most civil wars follow some prior conflict (often a previous civil war or, more accurately, the highly skewed and politicized memory of a past civil war). The sabre-rattling is getting louder. Now that Americans have finally begun shooting back at the insurgents, we should probably go ahead and admit that we are in a new civil war. Win McCormack / June 17, 2021. With an influx of supplies from NATO in New York, San Francisco, southern Texas, Miami, and New Orleans, DAR’s various regional commands decide now is the time for a series of lighting blows before winter sets in. Journalist Robert Evans, who investigates global conflict and online extremism for Bellingcat, has also warned that a civil war is imminent. Roberts dedicated a podcast called "It Could Happen Here" where he speculates on possible scenarios of a Second American Civil War. In … I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. Civil War 2.0. Cities would devolve overnight into apacalyptic nightmare locations within a week with even a basic breakdown of their supply chain. Please start here before reading this final part of the series.. Fall 2021: DAR goes on the offensive. Go ahead and admit it to yourself, quietly if necessary. Twitter. Howdy ya’ll — apparently Google interest in this one is at an all-time high. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman on Thursday declared that the U.S. could be headed toward a second civil war following President Trump. There certainly does seem to be a whiff of Second Civil War in the air, on both sides of the liberal-conservative political divide. All are ramping-up the rhetoric, pushing the deep political divide within the United States towards a second Civil War. Some people say that another war is brewing in America and that’s it’s not too far off. by Winslow Myers. We’ve published the full answer from Quora user Jon Davis, a Marine veteran who is now a writer and blogger on military, veterans, and Middle Eastern affairs.In Oct. 2014, Davis’ answer was optioned by a Hollywood producer for a potential television series.. Historian and strategist Gregory Copley wrote: Yes, there is a civil war looming in the United States. The sheer output on the subject is a bit overwhelming. Video. But admit it. The philosophy of Democrats, of course, is, “If we can’t rule it, we will destroy it.” And they know the Trump administration in inching closer every day to revealing the full breadth of corruption […] … Continue reading "Like It or Not, Civil War 2.0 Has Begun in America" “A civil war is a war for control of a government. You can’t avoid it on social media, the news, and even entertainment. This question will resolve as positive iff on or by 1 July 2021 at least two reputable news agencies describe the USA as being in a state of civil war. Through Antifa and BLM, the Democrats are preparing for war. One of the most unnerving things … Linkedin. When one side does not accept the election results, we have a countdown to a civil war. It’s obvious that the central tenet of the Democrat Party platform is now hatred and contempt for Normal Americans. #139 – America’s Second Civil War, and What To Do About It. Trump Ignites Republican Civil War in Georgia. (For a more detailed, up-to-date, interactive map, see here). CNN’s Anderson Cooper was stunned when New York Times columnist Tom Friedman predicted that the country was on the brink of a “potential second civil war” during an … They happen when two sides cannot settle on who runs the country. Is anybody else worried about what happens after those bogus audits in … It would be red counties, versus a handful of big blue cities. Sorry to pop bubbles but there can’t and won’t be a civil war. 234. Let’s memorize the moments we came together as Americans to overcome the odds and learn to develop greater empathy for others. Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too. I see Conservatives and liberals versus leftists. A Second Civil War Is Not What You Have to Worry About. I could see a race war but not civil. Resolution Criteria. the United States will plunge into violence with the prospect of civil war erupting as soon as 2022 but no later than 2024. The coming civil war will not have the same outcome of the U.S. Civil War of the 19 th Century. T here are a lot of assumptions and misconceptions when it comes to the notion of a second civil war within the US. Dennis Prager, the conservative radio personality, has claimed that Americans are already fighting their second civil war, albeit not yet a fully militarized one. 2y. This question asks, Will the United States of America (USA) enter a second civil war before July 2021? I’m an independent and consider both parties to be inherently dangerous. A primer for conservatives about how to triumph in the current culture war with the radical left without having to resort to violence. Jim Hanson, in this interview and in his book, explains how the right can do that, how it can take the second civil war seriously and win it without resorting to open combat. Why The Republicans Would Lose A Second Civil War. Even though some of the ferocity has been tempered – oddly enough since the election. Patrick J. Buchanan: Our second Civil War -- also a 'Forever War'? Read about Libya’s civil war and struggle to restore state institutions since the ouster of Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi. Jul 2, 2021. A shocking new poll finds that 46 percent of respondents think that the U.S. is headed toward a civil war-like clash between the extreme left and the rest of America. I don’t see a Republican versus Democrat divide. We can expect that the next civil war, like the last one, would be explosive, bloody, and long. Judges. As insurrection spreads, Trump commands the armed forces to side with the “patriots.”. Sooner than I … As insurrection spreads, Trump commands the armed forces to side with the “patriots.”. It is a relatively unorganized movement, but it is getting more organized all the time. Underlying our cold civil war is the fact that America increasingly is torn between two rival cultures, two constitutions, two ways of life. The facts are hard to come by–it’s literally going down RIGHT NOW–and I like to wait for all of the facts before forming an opinion. The original version came from [ [1]] on Wiki. Since … Whatever other country, or block of countries, can take over that position, as a net exporter of money and of strategic commodities (cash crops, energy, manufactured goods especially cars and aircraft, etc), will win the economic front of the war. Fascists Would Win a New US Civil War. American Civil War 2021. American brother and sister against American brother and sister. No official announced Trump’s Civil War. In this clip Jim discusses how the second amendment, properly understood, is an important 'vaccine' against A Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday reveals that 34 percent of likely U.S. voters think the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, but that includes only nine percent who say it is “very likely.” “This compares to 31 percent and 11 percent respectively two years ago,” Rasmussen reported.. Last week congressman Steve King, a Republican from Iowa, created controversy by posting an image on social media that asked whether red states or blue states would win in a second U.S. civil war (the clear implication is that the red states would). The CSA had NO interest or desire to conquer and run … red states/republicans would ultimately win for those states control the bread basket,oil, natural resources, as well as republicans have more veterans than democrats, more troops tend to have republican beliefs (patriotism,nationalism) as well as more inclined towards to believe in the 2nd amendment, hunting, fishing ext so they'd be better … Historian Says CIVIL WAR Is Coming And Trumpists Will WIN, New Hampshire Reps File To Secede From US. February 16, 2021 A Second Civil War? Second civil war coming, will there be a civil war in america 2021. Democrats are now all-in on the effort to spark a civil war in America before Trump can win re-election in 2020. Fighting in Italy that April, just days before the end of the war in Europe, Dole was hit by German machine gunfire. 4 way civil war, either long or reed evenly, Mac daddy is fighting on all fronts. Pinterest. Answer (1 of 23): I see it differently than most here. Dr. Jane Elza. Thoughts on “CIVIL WAR 2 in America – WHO WOULD WIN?”. That’s it. I’d planned to write on the threat of a “Civil War” in a few days. I have been conflicted as an American Patriot as to whether or not we will have another civil war. 2021. The veteran liberal reporter Carl Bernstein, too, warned in a 2019 interview that America was in the midst of a ‘ cold civil war ‘ which Trump was about to turn hot. A Third Reconstruction, or a Second Civil War? Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War. Civil War 2.0. I had NO idea that January 6th was going to turn into some sort of violent showdown that gave us a glimpse of one. Jun 13, 2020 by Michael Penn in International. With an influx of supplies from NATO in New York, San Francisco, southern Texas, Miami, and New Orleans, DAR’s various regional commands decide now is the time for a series of lighting blows … Some historians have interpreted the Coal Wars as constituting some form of a Second American Civil War and they also consider it to be the largest national revolt since the first Civil War ended. It's another civil war. It had been brewing underground, in chat rooms, and on social media sites for much of this century. WhatsApp. But we don’t need a press release to recognize Trump directed white supremacist followers to attack a branch of our national government on Jan. 6. The second American Civil War is here. Photo: Getty Images. For that reason, just as the Great War came to be known as the First World War once there was a Second World War, the Civil War will become known as the First Civil War when more Americans come to regard the current battle as the Second Civil War. ByKeith PrestononJune 12, 2021•( Leave a comment) As a follow up to my video on What If Civil War Broke Out Between Republicans and Democrats where we explained who would win, how either side could win, and the long term outcome of a Second Civil War, we’ve come to the conclusion, based on recent … That’s why we should avoid them. Starting in 1890, the informal armed rebellion began when coal workers revolted against their e… ... — Kris Vallotton (@kvministries) January 9, 2021. More recent polls showed similar results. At the very least. SNA (Tokyo) — Since the 1990s, US society has been drawing into two broad camps, which for simplicity’s sake we will call the Reds and the Blues. We, indeed, are in a Civil War. When they can’t reconcile the matter through elections, the country falls apart. CNN’s Anderson Cooper was stunned when New York Times columnist Tom Friedman predicted that the country was on the brink of a “potential second civil war” during an appearance on AC360. I’d planned to write on the threat of a “Civil War” in a few days. What I have come to realize is that civil war is coming. Long has the officers and a good portion of professional forces, but lacks population and industry. Getty. Reed has industry and manpower but lacks a professional army and officer corp. In any case, if you found this blog today using search terms along the lines of “who would win a civil war in 2021,” the best answer is: the people who avoided one. At the very least, you should watch the video. Winning the war is counter-productive though, because even if you win, you get stuck as unaligned unless you drag out the war long enough to get Honor the Confederacy. ELZA: How to avoid a civil war. What I see most often is the argument that the political left has “already won” the war without firing a shot and that a rebellion would be… Honestly, the US civil war is broke af at the moment, to the point where it's not even worth playing. Premonitions of violence are in the air everywhere here in the USA. A Second U.S. Civil War: Inevitable or Impossible? … Continue reading "Like It or Not, Civil War 2.0 Has Begun in America" by Brandon Smith, Alt Market: There are a lot of assumptions and misconceptions when it comes to the notion of a second civil war within the US. In the 19 th Century, the U.S. had a more solid and cohesive ideological, social, political, and economic fabric. This is not my opinion. First, I would like to repent for inaccurately prophesying that Donald Trump would win a second term as the President of the United States. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be … It will soon be more than one hundred and fifty years since the end of the American Civil War and the nation is once again seemingly irreparably divided. Our computer has been projecting civil unrest and international war. This is What Civil War Would Look Like in Modern America. Governors. This applies to both 1776 and 1861. Or it's November 2020 and Trump has lost the election. There has been quite a bit written about AMERICA’S SECOND CIVIL WAR over the last seven-eight years. It will appear more like the Yugoslavia break-up, or … But it will not look like the orderly pattern of descent which characterized the conflict of 1861-65. We have two sides and there have been casualties on both. The Second American Civil War was a military conflict fought in the United States from January 23, 2014 to November 15, 2021. Now that Americans have finally begun shooting back at the insurgents, we should probably go ahead and admit that we are in a new civil war. That’s it. It's not authoritarianism. The Ducks gain 218 yards on the ground and win 34-20 in new-look Autzen Stadium in front of a Civil War-record crowd of 58,102. Ken Burns is still waiting to get started on his documentary about the Second Civil War, explaining he is contractually bogged down with 11 more years of … That’s why our major news organizations dance around the awful truth, using confusing language. Fox News's Sean Hannity demands every honest patriot take to the streets. But we can’t expect that the good guys would win this time around. By. These are the accounts of the Second American Civil War, also known as the Wars of Reunification and the … The term boogaloo – often used sarcastically – is a pop culture reference to a second civil war, its origins traced to a 1965 hit song – … ... "In the Second Civil War, luck may be needed," according to federal prosecutors, Larry Rendell Brock Jr., a Texas man charged in connection with the attack, wrote on Facebook in the days before the events in Washington. The people of 19 th Century America wanted to preserve the U.S. Constitution. I believe the Second Amendment, whatever the Founders meant by it, was never meant to result in … I had NO idea that January 6th was going to turn into some sort of violent showdown that gave us a glimpse of one. Some Republicans call for second Civil War: ‘Citizens take arms!’. We have two sides and there have been casualties on both. by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics: 46% of Americans believe another civil war will happen. Join Peter and David for this conversation about the future of the country. California sitting on its hands and become its own nation in the event of a Second Civil War makes it far more likely that either Red states win or there is some sort of half-ass balkanization of the United States. He’s convinced that the Left will do just about anything to completely eradicate the history of this great … By Joe Concha - 09/25/20 07:11 AM EDT 767. 0. The Civil War II has already arrived! Please start here before reading this final part of the series.. 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